Glenn Mann
@GlennPriceMann · 1:24

How Do You Art?

Hello? This is Glenn. I was just looking through some, like, old postings on my Instagram account, and I came across, I guess I don't know if it was a poem or some kind of musings or whatever, but sort of like sort of like almost a survey question, like, how do you art? How do you how are you creative? And there's a lot of creative people on this platform. So I was just kind of curious

What medium or mediums do you use to express your creativity?

Laura L (she/her)
@Loloflow · 1:24
You. Hi, Glenn. Thanks for this. I love to dialogue about creative pursuits and creative process. Kind of obsessed with it. I write. I would say right now the main focus is poetry. But I paint mostly acrylics and I love to take photos of anything and everything, mostly nature. But I like pretty much anything that is appealing to the eye or kind of speaks to me about something beyond what we're seeing
Cory Byrd
@Byrdseyeview · 1:25
It's. Hey there, Glenn. Thank you so much for this question. It's awesome to hear people reach out to artists and everything. And this platform has been big about sharing with artists and everything. Yeah, so I am a comic book artist, illustrator, creator. My comic book series is Tooth and Nail, if you you like to check it out. I'm also on Instagram bird's Eye View official. Also on TikTok, YouTube and Facebook
Glenn Mann
@GlennPriceMann · 0:44


Ah, hello. Thank you for sharing. And something you said really sort of stuck with me, you said about the interest in things where you see things beyond what you can see. And to me, that's really sort of really the beauty and wonder of poetry and music and so many disciplines of art that it can express the thing that we can't necessarily see or say straightforward, but sort of can communicate what seems that we can't communicate in other forms. So thank you
Glenn Mann
@GlennPriceMann · 0:45


And thank you for sharing, and your work sounds interesting and fascinating. And I think the whole medium itself is just as you see, it's the foundation of so much of our popular culture. So thank you for sharing
Laura L (she/her)
@Loloflow · 1:17

@GlennPriceMann #creativeprocess #alfredlamotte #poetry #beauty #artists #poets

Oh, hey, Glenn. Yeah, I love this. I just the other day stumbled across something that one of my favorite writers wrote about the artistic process, and it's Alfred Lamont. I don't know if you've heard of him, but he writes some incredibly gorgeous poetry. Anyway, he wrote, fear resists, resistance thickens, but when we let the veils thin out, beauty glows through the entangled opposites of this world. In beauty, there is vast sorrow as well as joy
