Glenn Mann
@GlennPriceMann · 4:03

Death Of An Influencer

What's happening inside with someone, and it gets them. Like, they could be on top of the world and have everything, but you just never know what a person is dealing with and how they're dealing. So, in many ways, this was sort of a reminder to, to be kind when you can, because you just never know and to be, you know, supportive

Thoughts on the passing of social media star Eva Evans

Angela Kaye
@AnngieKaye · 1:51
So, my condolences. Death is hard, especially when someone is young and especially when it is of an apparent suicide. To know that someone felt as though they had no other option is deeply sad to hear. And I know the usual. They were influencer, they were beautiful. They probably, you know, they were getting paid for things. You know, I realized as I've gotten older that those things are great, but those things don't make life. They don't make life
Glenn Mann
@GlennPriceMann · 0:39


And it's okay to, like, you know, one, but, you know, there's really small things that sometimes are the most meaningful, those moments that sometimes you may take for granted, that really matter in the grand scheme of things. So thank you for listening and for responding
