Gaurav Chauhan
@Gaurav1106 · 1:00

Thick Nhat Hanh

Great loss today for the modern world. Teknaathan passed away at the age of 95, was wondering if we want to talk about a couple of his books. I actually couldn't get get a chance to read the book I gave. I think this is the first book I gave to my wife as a gift and never got a chance to finish it though. But I'm going to start reading it

Thick Nhat Hanh was a great Zen Buddhist teacher who passed away today at the age of 95.. big loss to the Buddhist community

Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 2:08


I have such a great memory of Tikdan Han on September 13, 2001, two days after 911. And that was my birthday. And I had had tickets to hear from Speak in Berkeley, and we were all in a pretty altered state. The towers had just come down, and we were really unsettled. And I didn't know his work very well at the time. And I only heard about him and just the way of his life and the way of his words
