Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 2:02

Do you Pray for these - the most important prayers of our life

I call them the most important prayers of our life. So what are they? Here are some of them. Whenever you see or hear an ambulance passing by pray for the well being of the patient in the ambulance. Pray for the driver so that he reaches the hospital in time. And pray for the doctors and nurses who will attend to this patient. Similarly, when you learn about an accident, please pray for the people

#prayers #doyouprayforthese #mostimportantprayers #motivation

Adarsh Rai
@TheDevilsHorse · 0:49
Hi, Ranjana. Thank you so much for such thoughtful and such an amazing wisdom. And generally, I used to, whenever I used to see an ambulance, I used to just pray for the person who's inside. But when you mentioned the driver has to be on time and I was just going to Ito site today and there was this ambulance passing by and I recollected this well of yours and I did just that. So thank you so much for being so amazing and being so thoughtful every time
Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 0:23


Thank you so much, Adarsh, for your kind words. And I'm so glad that you were able to pray for the ambulance today. And that's wonderful. Thank you so much for listening to this. Well, and I'm grateful. And it's so nice to hear such kind words. Have a lovely Sunday. Bye bye. Take care
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Prashant Kumar
@smileypkt · 3:08

We must pray for strangers

So this is very important that we pray when we see an ambulance, when we see house which is burning, or when we see electricity wire and any kind of accident is happening due to electricity in any kind of adversity, when we start praying for the wellbeing of our society, for the wellbeing of the people around us, we create a very positive and blessed atmosphere for ourself
Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 0:41


Thank you so much prashant, for your beautiful words of appreciation and your wonderful perspective on this topic. You always are able to think through very clearly and share your views in a very thought out manner. And I agree with you that when somebody helps a stranger, then both the people feel really great and the society flourishes as a result. And you are absolutely right in saying that. Thank you so much and I'm so glad that this made your day and wishing you a very lovely week
Swati Sharma
@Swatiselflove · 2:36
And the way you have mentioned that if you see that ambulance going by and if you could just pray for that patient who might be struggling with his life and you could just pray for those doctors who are not going to be operating upon him, that he comes out well from that operation theater and he survived. Nothing like it. Nothing can be more peaceful than just sending some good prayer, good vibes to that other person. It makes you feel so much human from inside
Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 1:16


Thank you so much, Swati, for taking the time to go through this well and for liking it. Yes. You know, empathy is so very important for us. And I think that is what, since we are anyways supposed to be the best, the highest form of evolution, and we are at the highest level of the evolution cycle, I mean, this is the least that we can do. And if we think about others, it's always very good and makes us happy as well
Anjana Samanta
@thebloomingdale · 0:50
You. It was indeed a great lesson that you have shared with all of us. And surprisingly, I also do the same in my life because I believe that life and the universe has a very interesting way to give you back that you have sent to the universe in ways like prayers
Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 0:43


So if you send out goodness, goodness will come back. If you send out prayers, prayers will come back. That is absolutely true. And you said that so rightly. Thank you for sharing this. Have a lovely day. Bye
Hello Ranjana. Such a beautiful thought. And you know, incidentally when my nephews were here last year on vacation I noticed them quickly sending a prayer when an ambulance passed by and they would just say God. You know, in our native tongue which is Malayalam they would just say a quick prayer saying please help whoever is in that ambulance of and please save them, God. And I found that so not just cute but also very touching
Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 0:28


Thank you so much, Anjana. Thank you for stopping by and listening to my swell. I'm so glad that your nephews do that, you know, pray for people who are in the ambulance. I mean, I think that's a very beautiful thing to do. And you never know whose prayer might save the person. So thank you so much for sharing this, and I do look forward to having more such conversations with you. Have a lovely day. Bye
akhil maulwar
@akhilmaulwar · 1:03


Hi, Ranjana. First of all, I would like to appreciate your way of thinking for your beautiful thought that we should pray for these. Yeah. In life we pray for different things, for our well being and for our wish is we do pray for God, but taking these little things for praying some other. It's just a great job. We don't need any kind of money or anything for doing these. We just need a beautiful heart. So that may not help the others
Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 0:14


Thank you so much Akhil, for your kind words. I'm glad that you found this useful and you liked it and hoping to hear more from you. Take care. Bye
Anisha Rodrigues
@anisharodrigues · 0:35
Hi, Ranch Kamo. These prayers were really amazing to listen to. It's amazing how you come up with such creative content. And definitely, you know, when we pray for our needs, when it comes to others, we're like, less conscious of their needs. And, you know, these are pretty general, and we need to be really sensitive and empathetic when it comes to other people, too. And thank you for highlighting this. I needed to listen to this
Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 0:12


Thank you so much, Anisha. Thank you for your kind words. I'm so glad that you liked it and liked these prayers. Thank you so much. Have a lovely evening. Bye
Jude D'Souza
@Judeld11 · 1:19


So to be in tune with the mind of God and what prayer is effective if he wants to listen and wills to listen is more important. So I do pray for others when the prayers are not that effective to as you said in ambulance or emergencies or houses burning. So I pray. And sometimes prayers are effective that rightly commune with the mind of God. Thank you
Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 0:17
You. Thank you for sharing your perspective. I believe in praying. You know, whether the prayer is heard or not, that is beyond me. All I can do is pray. And thank you so much. Thank you so much for getting back. Bye
