Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 4:44

Robot Slander

Unfortunately, we've gave AI a bad starting point with these archaic barbaric terms. Slave and master is often a term used in computer programming to illustrate a master partition and the slave to that partition. If you want to know the story of humanity, you only have to look at its creations. For the story in the creations is often the story of humanity. So when we give birth to the future, AI. I hope you do not call them robots

To work like a machine is not complimentary afterall. #robot #humanity


I mean, I suspect there's some fears that maybe are legitimate, but I wonder how much is still influenced by the past and these sorts of ideas. But speaking of words and language, do you know why when something's called an android versus a robot, I suppose an android is more humanoid and a robot could be any shape. I don't know. Do you know?
Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 3:08


Hello, Christina. Thank you for taking the time not only to listen, but to also offer an audio response to this. Swell and android versus robot. Yes, this is almost two different distinctive thoughts of artificial intelligence, of life or technology. Whereas robot in its essence is only something that is machine like in operation android and comes android andros andro which comes from Greek meaning man. So it's something of man like


And so even after she moved away, I would reach out to ask her questions because to me, it felt like there was still a way to keep the relationship going or still stay in communication instead of Googling it. But then I know that sometimes that can be irritating for people because you just wish they would go Google it and leave you alone. And so when I posed the question to you, I thought, well, I could just Google this
Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 4:44


So I had already done the research on android, so I kind of already knew the word and the Greek ettymology of the word. So I had done a bit of that research today. So I actually just kind of responded to you. I didn't really go off of anything I was reading in front of me. But in regards to I do find that fascinating. I do see that sometimes on my Facebook someone will ask a question that I'm like, oh, I could have Googled that
Demarkis Klan Destine
@OmegaStrange · 2:48
Basically robots are like their job is to carry on our torch, right? To carry on the Torch, to carry on with humanity dreams even long after we're gone. These sentient robots, the only reason I can see why they would even exist, especially in our form, our human form is to be our replacement. And the west world, they talk about that. And that's pretty much what happens towards the end. What else? There was an episode, Stargate Atlantis
Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 4:24


While some of the machines are operating more like robots where they don't have sentience and they are just performing the task over and over again whereas others can become sentient to where it's almost an android like quality that takes form and shape
