Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 4:52

Projecting Is Protecting

Now ask them do they suffer from jealousy or anger or negative emotions? Almost all of them will say no, they do not. Even though they are a human being and fully capable of not only experiencing these emotions in their past, but also in the present. Why does this occur? Because we naturally want to protect our ego. It is a part of our limbic system, our social engineering

We all have a ton of work to do. #shadowwork


And we are behind these eyes and we can try to imagine that observer perspective, but it requires our imagination and some effort and time and thought. And we're always going to be somewhat stuck behind the lens of the camera, so we can only do our best, but it's so important that we do look at these things. Thank you for this. Well
Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 4:35


I guess I've entered that age of wisdom where I'm just a rambler to the average person, but you, I trust, can hear the message. Thank you for sharing your time with us here on this well cast


And so that we do continue to look at oops I've just projected or oops I'm making this assessment or judgment or whatever about this thing without actually looking at what am I doing? Anyway, I don't think your reply was rambling at all, and it was really important, so I reselled it


Now I'm second guessing myself, and I'm rehearing in my mind the final line there, you said about trusting me to understand. And I now feel like I may have I may have jeopardized that trust. And I apologize. I don't know how to unswell something. I'm sorry. I'm sorry
Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 1:07


Wait a minute. I heard your reply and I'm like, oh, that's good. She got what I was talking about. And then you replied back. You said, oh, my God, I'm sorry, I can't unswell. I was like, Wait, what happened? No, you're fine. I felt like you understood where I was going for no, you're good. That's fine that you reselled it. I don't take any offense at all today


There was more accountability and responsibility about what we were saying. I mean, I'm talking also hearing it at school when they were talking about I don't know if I want to say the Founding Fathers because I failed history, but somebody from way back talked about how important our words were. And so then I don't always pause or pause enough
Demarkis Klan Destine
@OmegaStrange · 3:15
And the fact that people can say that they do not feel jealousy, hate or envy, we all know it's bull crap. But a lot of people do feel, like you pointed out, people feel like they are special because, yes, we are special, but we feel like we're more special than others. We feel that we are unique. A lot of us feel that we are different than others. Although we are, we're also alike. We're so much alike
Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 4:53


And this is actually what makes the tricks more effective because you don't know exactly, unless you're in the art of that magician and magic mindset, you don't know how they will pull it off. You'll have to look online and that moment of August in ways, is a lesson about projecting. In a weird way, it teaches you about projecting. And that just because your experience of these things have happened does not make it entirely true
Arya Sunyata
@theheartdrive · 4:58

Also.. there are a lot of children running around in adult bodies (and clothes)

It's my senses that give shape and form to things. So when I am interacting with somebody else, I am in taking all of that information and interpreting it. And my interpretation can only be done through my own experience. Things I've learned, things I've inferred, things I've been able to just kind of understand. Overall, they come from whatever it is I've been able to synthesize up until this point. And the child state is not particularly aware
Dewuan .
@FryedOreo · 4:16


Hopefully we can all attempt to transcend the conditioning and programming that we were spoon fed sometimes we were forcibly fed to understand his reality. For reality itself remains out of our grasp. To fully experience it would be a thing of pure beauty. Perhaps that man can never know. Anyway, thank you so much for providing heart to this conversation
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Arya Sunyata
@theheartdrive · 5:00

@FryedOreo what a lovely response thank you!

And when you integrate it, you have it. You have it and you can give it. So I completely hear what you're saying about senses and how limited they are. But I will offer a counter that through these senses, as limited as they are, as jagged and fragmented, it is precisely the perfect balance we need for the essence of what it means to be human. And that we could have the courage to know that fully is a thing of beauty
