Dewuan .
@FryedOreoย ยทย 2:08

#DebateThis Should We Ban Processed Foods?

There's a lot of controversy over that, especially here in America. We feel we should have the right to kill ourselves with processed foods and tobacco, et cetera. But should we be allowed to? That is the debate I pose to you today. What are your thoughts?

Or should we be allowed to kill ourselves?


Excess wine, excess food, excess work time, like being a workaholic, like, whatever it is, we don't ban those things. It would be nice if have you ever compared the ingredients list between the same product, but in different countries? The US allows for a s*** ton of yucky things that you can't even pronounce to go into those things, versus the same product in, let's say, the EU
Tanya Coles
@MsColes77ย ยทย 3:49
I mean, it's like so many nuances as to what people consider to be processed food, because even when we try to go the whole food route, there are some foods that are processed that we still consume. So I don't even know if you could realistically ban processed foods altogether, because even in our efforts to eat healthy, we still end up mingling in some sort of process as food. But this is a great question. Great question
Swell Team
@Swellย ยทย 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Dewuan .
@FryedOreoย ยทย 4:53


But you'd be surprised to know what's processed because Tanya below had said, what do we mean by processed foods? When I was saying, and I mean processed foods, all aspects of it gone. I wonder how would we fare? What would happen if we actually weren't as healthy? What if there are some falsehoods in what we view with processed foods? You had pointed out, well, you can have too much of anything and it'll be bad for you, water included. Right
Dewuan .
@FryedOreoย ยทย 4:47


Hey, Tanya, thanks for participating in this debate about processed foods and should they be banned? It's a very tall order, right? I was inspired by Joshua's post on Swell where he asked, should assault rifles be banned? And I think everybody unanimously says yes because they look to mass shootings and it seems UN fair, et cetera. But I thought it was interesting in a sense that why is that always brought up in not processed foods?
phil spade
@Philย ยทย 4:05


As humans, we have the free will to eat, smoke, drink, whatever the heck we want, even if we know that it's not good for us. And that really is the question. Should we have the free will to eat anything that we want? And I think we do. However, I do want to caveat this to say this is very interesting that processed foods don't get any sort of scrutiny whatsoever. Sugary drinks, processed food don't get any scrutiny at all


Yeah, I think it's like one of those insidious things where we know it's bad, but I don't think we really understand how bad it is. We can be told processed foods are not food for us, but until we actually experience it. And there are so many health problems. Like, I have to remove gluten and dairy for health reasons, not just for a fad
Dewuan .
@FryedOreoย ยทย 4:56


But I just wonder the fervor for it, that energy is not the same when it comes to processed foods. It's a different conversation. Then we got to be particular. Well, what are you talking about here? Are we talking about this and that? It usually falls in that line because processed foods have become so mind you, I just yesterday bought mellow yellow, two liter. I bought cream soda, two liter
Dewuan .
@FryedOreoย ยทย 4:57


And I think it was meant to set a certain mood for what you're supposed to feel. It was a really high end grocery store where, like milk, you could get raw milk for like $40 or water for $20. And this is now considered the creme de la creme. It's the healthy stuff. And even what we consider to be raw and healthy quite isn't the case. Let's take, for instance, our sodas. You mentioned this


I don't know if it was genetically modified to exist or I don't know the history of it, but I know it's in various grains. So, for example, whole wheat. And so for me, gluten and dairy give me a variety of symptoms that are unpleasant. Let's say the gut. I'll just leave it at that. Increased migraines, increased inflammation. So that's sort of surface level. But there's far more
Dewuan .
@FryedOreoย ยทย 4:44


I mean, we're kind of tapping things out, right, at alarming rates to where these preservatives also have the benefit of prolonging food itself. It gives this impression that there's so plentiful of it so much that I just heard of a grocery store, local grocery store in my area. Their power had went out over a day or two, so they had to throw out all the meat, all the dairy and meat, just throwing it out in the trash. They got liability issues
Nicolethe ContentContessa
@Conversations23ย ยทย 2:38


Look at the pandemic stand 6ft away and people wanted to encroach space because they were rebelling against being told what to do. So can we find a compromise? Can we start processing our foods and not giving away gallon sized amounts of sodas and big saturated fat, boxes of fries with every meal to entice the consumer to come buy the product? Can we give fresher ingredients and start to shift the taste?
Dewuan .
@FryedOreoย ยทย 3:41


And of course, you have the sugar and the salt and all that sort of stuff. Well, salt is not processed, right? You can mine that from caves and whatnot, but a lot of it is processed now because it's just too much volume that we have to worry about feeding everyone to which processed food are a necessary evil. To some extent, yes. The elite can afford to the elite can afford to eat whatever the h*** they want
JJ Young
@MorningGloryย ยทย 3:09
You. Hi. This is an interesting question. I don't think regulating it is the solution. I believe education and encouragement is probably a better route to go. But we've been doing that for years and years, and people are still eating processed foods. Processed food are addicting. If we're used to having salt in our food, then we can't go without it. If we're used to having sugar in our food, then our bodies just crave it
Dewuan .
@FryedOreoย ยทย 4:59


There's no way we can truly ban processed food. That would be a dystopian future after all. Can you imagine how much foods would remain after no process, no processing of the food? We wouldn't really have much to eat. In fact, we have to process food to some way to be able to eat it. Even cooked food that's processed, that's not his natural state. I barbecued yesterday food. That's not the natural state of the food
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@FateSlicer815ย ยทย 4:52

Natural vs processed

And diabetes is a big thing. Insulin is expensive. Things are good for big pharma. If you're into pharmaceutical drugs, like if you're into that kind of thing, there's money to be made, there's people to be killed, money to be spade. And it's amazing. It's great time to be alive in the pharmaceutical industry for the most part. About the gluten intolerance thing, somebody was mentioning about the gluten intolerance that is actually glyphosate from what I understand is glyphosate
Dewuan .
@FryedOreoย ยทย 1:59


But I guess all we really can do is just throw loads and loads of information at people about the harmful effects of processed food, to which then it's up to that person to make the decision, or not if they still want to consume said foods. And natural foods
