Hello and welcome to from the margins. I'm Khadijah Abdul Haqq and this is my swellcast. Today I'm going to be reading from my flashpiece making end meets. On Saturdays I do workshop with a fellow Vona resident named Latif. I forget Latif. Latif, don't kill me. I forget your last name, but Latif and I went to Vona Miami last year and we met in Vona Miami. Latif has a workshop. First, let me give you his Instagram name


Khadijah AbdulHaqq
@FromTheMargins · 4:59

Making Ends Meet part 2

He's giving her all the money she needs for a good time. Buddy's married, and he smells like cheddar cheese and sandalwood, and he always asks for more than she's comfortable with. Smacking, choking, tying her hands. Last time, he left his handprints around her neck. She puts down an ace, then a jack, and prays to herself. If the next hand is 20 or less, I'll call Jackie. If it's 21, I'll call him
Khadijah AbdulHaqq
@FromTheMargins · 5:00

Part3 Making Ends Meet American Marriage

And that little subtle hint throws me through the roof. It takes me, as a reader off of everything that I have been feeling through this book, all the ways that I have been rooting for this protagonist, everything that I have felt for him. And I was cheering for him, and I was holding his wife to court. I was mad with her because she did not support him
Khadijah AbdulHaqq
@FromTheMargins · 2:52

Final part4 Making Ends Meet

You. So I hope you allow me to go on this journey to explore my craft, explore myself as a writer, as a creative, as someone who is mulling out her thoughts, figuring out her voice, playing with form, composition, structure and style, and not pigeonhole yourself into what you think you should know, because I'm not going to do that to myself either, right? I'm going to figure it out. I'm learning as I go
Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 1:43
I've never even heard of the author, so thank you for sharing that. And, yeah, I'm so excited that you're on here, and I'm very excited to talk more about the craft and to talk about and to hear how your process goes and how you progress, dedicating this time to writing. And, yeah, I'm just really excited that you're here. Thank you so much for sharing, and I look forward to. To the next
Khadijah AbdulHaqq
@FromTheMargins · 1:25


Thank you for your kind words. I appreciate you listening to me and indulging me on this platform that is supposed to be five minute segments and with I hope to be able to learn how to contain my thoughts in five minutes, but if not, I hope that you can indulge me a little bit and continue to come and listen and to enjoy the podcast. The swellcast and I appreciate you being here
