From Silence
@FromSilence · 0:47

"Back Roads" - Poetry 2/15/23

Back roads I chose to take the back roads so buried in my thoughts, without a dream of daybreak, for night had conquered all. Perhaps within new pathways, free from all my mistakes, I'd find something of beauty or cause to dry my tears. But and then my way turned eastward. Though clouds still barred my view, I sensed a sudden turning and light sprung up ahead, transforming gloom to gold. The sun rose like a beacon to point the course of hope

#poetryfromsilence #nationalpoetrymonth2023 #poetrymonth #poem #poetry #sunrise #morning #hope #daybreak #nature #solace

Quinne Brown Huffman
@Quinne · 0:08
Ah. Very relatable piece. I really enjoyed it. Thank you. Have a blessed day
From Silence
@FromSilence · 0:07


Thank you very much for the positive feedback. I appreciate you saying that. And I hope you have a wonderful day as well
