From Silence
@FromSilence · 0:30

Unheeded - Poem 3/17/23

Unheeded. The sun is rising through a sky filled with red. The ancient warning known for millennia. What of the storms? I know it's dangerous. I may be a fool and not know what I need. But the wisteria is blossoming now too. Let the winds buffet me, the rains leave me drenched and thunder deafe and all. I will stay right here. It's worth it to me

#poetryfromsilence #poem #poetry #poet #sunrise #redskyatmorning #spring #nature #beauty #love #lovepoem #sky

From Silence
@FromSilence · 3:45

About the poem

I wanted to give a little description of the writing process of this particular poem. I haven't really done that previously, as far as I'm aware, and I don't know if I'll do it very often, but this one stands out to me, at least in my own mind about writing it
Renee Slay
@Renee_Slay · 0:47


It's okay. So I had to take a minute to reply because I listened to it twice, and I think it's beautiful. I think you're right. I think by letting yourself free flow and not be held down by the syllables or any other thing, but just let it come. I think you did get some stuff out. And I see a warrior that knows what's coming but sees the beauty in what's there. That's my perception. Love it
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

From Silence
@FromSilence · 0:34


I thank you for the consistent way that you reply and have nice things to say to me. I certainly don't feel like I'm a warrior as such, but at the same time, I don't know. Sometimes things just want to come out, and I try and be the conduit for that. And I know in the end that's me. But it's not thoughts that necessarily are common to my thinking. I'm a play it safe kind of guy
Renee Slay
@Renee_Slay · 1:01


I like getting fed information from others and seeing others creativity and I don't know, it's been a very positive experience here, but I kind of felt that too, in the poem, but I didn't want to speak on it too much because I know it's your situation and that's your stuff, you know what I mean? But it is you. It's 100% you. And he's in there and let him stand. That's just how I feel
