Fred Mahusay
@Fredshots · 0:48

Mic Check

I've got my external microphone plugged into in my iPhone, and I just wanted to see how it sounds. How's it sound to you? Do you think I need to get a little bit closer, or should I maintain my professional distance, or should I sit way back? Let me know what you think

#iphone #microphone #CanYouHearMeNow

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 0:20
Hey, Fred. Welcome to Swellman. I used to live just outside of Dallas in Rockwall for a while. So I know exactly where you are, McKinney. At least I'm very familiar with that area. I think the microphone sounds pretty great. Exactly where you were when you started it. I think you had coined it your professional distance. I think that's a great place to stay with the microphone
