Dr.khushboo chauhan
@Fragrance · 1:01

Shiva is the only way

Shiva. Shiva is universal consciousness. It is a space that engulfs all that is and can be considered static. Shakti is the primordial cosmic life force energy that move through the entire universe. Vibration in the Shiva consciousness causes thoughts. Shiva means consciousness, bliss and auspiciousness. It is present within us and moving towards that in the spiritual journey. If you want to step into the next moment as a completely new being, shiva is the only way. Her mahadev

#conciousness #spirituality

Challa Sri Gouri
@challasrigouri · 0:37
Hello. Thank you so much for this wonderful swell. You have clearly described about Lord Shiva. And Vedas Puranas tell a lot about Lord Shiva. And the moment you start understanding Him, the moment you start learning about Him, you will really understand what the universes, what we are actually. So it's really really important to know about Lord Shiva. Thank you so much for your effort and helping people understand about Lord Shiva
