Franklin Finds Out
@FFO · 4:58

Ones to Watch - "Terrifier" and "Terrifier 2"

If you've watched any of the Evil Dead movies, especially the most recent one, you know how some of these movies can be very violent just for violent sake, just to really make you feel like whether it's like this sense of rage or anxiety, whatever they're trying to induce in the moment, that is what these movies do. And I think that's what the Terrifyer franchise does really well. Art the Clown is your main villain, and you find that out pretty quick

#Review #new #movie #reviews #podcast #swell #talk #franklin #findsout #film #discussion #cinema #horror #gore #damienleone

Taylor J
@Taylor · 3:22
So there was that. But also, I'm not a massive slasher guy. And if there is going to be a lot of gore in a film, I tend to kind of lean more towards the body horror side of things. So, like, more your David Cronenberg's or like John Carpenter's The Thing, rather than just like hacking up bodies. But your review here has sold me
Franklin Finds Out
@FFO · 4:27


I don't think I've ever seen a Bollywood movie that's less than 2 hours. And I love that because one, it is more difficult to make a longer movie because sometimes people fall into that pitfall of oh, I need to put this content in here. And it kind of comes off as just being filler. And now you're like, whoa, we could have done without that
