Felicia Seeds of Love
@FeliciaSL · 1:09

#TellYourStory | An experience with nature that taught me an important lesson...

We just need to stop and rest our minds a bit and allow his word, allow the light to seep into our spirit, into our temples. Another thing, another lesson that nature has taught me, is that nature nurtures. Nature nurtures it truly does. It loves us and we should love it back. I hope everyone have a wonderful night. God bless. Bye

#SwellDailyPrompt #sdp24Mar3 @wordsmith

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 0:34
Hey, Felicia. What a simple and pure message. Nature is always there in a way that is just so healing. And that's been the truth many times for me in my life as I've gone through challenges or hard times, just to be able to return to that sacred space and let it kind of direct and redirect me to the thoughts or the feelings, the emotions or the. Yeah, just experiences that I need to shine light on. So thanks for that gentle reminder
Sreeja V
@Wordsmith · 0:15
Hi Felicia, thank you so much for replying to my prompt. It was lovely to hear your perspective. And indeed, I think nature has a way, the universal consciousness has a way of taking care of every being
