Evan Shannon
@evanbrookes · 1:21

Ask me anything!

You. Hey, guys. I just came across another swell on here, and I kind of wanted to do my own variation on it. Apparently a lot of people are doing an ask me anything or a tell me anything kind of thing, so I guess I want to do the same. Guess that's not really a variation, but just wanted to throw that out there, you know, ask me anything that you want

#mentalhealth #recovery #selfcare #soberliving

Chelsea Hanawalt
@allowthesun · 2:43
Hi, I'm Chelsea, it's nice to meet you on here. Thanks for opening up this Ask Me Anything and talking about sobriety. I've been sober curious for about four years. It's termed by a woman, Ruby Warrington, who wrote a book about it. And yeah, I just think it's so important to open up those conversations
Evan Shannon
@evanbrookes · 5:00


We spent an entire day just working on telling our recovery story and things like that. Each state that does have a certification offers things through that. Now I will say that there is a national one through Mental Health America and it is administered through the Florida Certification Board and it consists of a test and a statement. There's not like a formal training that you have to go through for that
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Evan Shannon
@evanbrookes · 4:21
It. And then I also am just really trying to be better about practicing self care, spending time with myself, to focus on myself, which I've had more than enough time to. Recently, since I'm not really working a lot right now, I've been given an opportunity to go back to school full time. I do work in the mental health field still, even though I'm not at the hospital anymore
