Essielayne 1sShe
@Essielayne1sShe · 5:00

Forgiveness - are there EXCEPTIONS to the Apology?

And so after the club, and this is like what, three, four in the morning, they decided to take a walk. And they did and stopped along the way at several convenience stores to pick up little treats or whatever to snack on a drink. And then at some point, they did a turnaround, and people started to peel off, walk home, call, ride share, or pass their car, which was what happened with Alex offering Fiona a ride home


Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 2:52
And a counselor came in to teach students not to forgive too quickly because the pain is still raw, it still hurts. And if you say you forgive someone, you'll be lying because you don't truly forgive them. Not that fast, but it would deserve a conversation. And the person who hurt you will have to be repentant to you. It's not saying that you're God or whatever, but if you're truly sorry, why not ask for forgiveness?
Essielayne 1sShe
@Essielayne1sShe · 4:35
And so you throw this very dangerous variable into that mix, and that very dangerous variable is that drug. And I have no idea why he wanted to do that. My understanding is that Fiona doesn't do illicit drugs. I think I might have seen her smoke pot once, but for the most part, she will nurse a vodka martini, one drink for an entire, like, three or four hour gathering, and then spend the rest of the night drinking water. That's totally her mo
Erica Jean
@HeyItsErica · 2:40


Hey, Essie. Thank you for getting back to me. We definitely should keep talking about this, because through discussion, we excavate a lot of little gems of truths and personal affirmations and all that good stuff. And so you're absolutely right. Forgiveness is more so for the person than the one that is being forgiven
