Eric Owens
@EricG · 4:46

Who Inspires Me?

But then when my dad died, she ended up raising myself and my two brothers by herself as a single working mom. Now, that in itself is not a big deal. Millions of people do that every day, both men and women, single parents raising kids. So that's not a big deal, right? But what is a big deal is the fact that she did it during a time when not very many people would recognize that sort of thing or even really make too much notice of it

#MyHero #voices

Mitchell McKay
@ThePhantom · 1:57
It's kind of my role model is Bernie Sanders. I became interested in politics. I developed a special interest in political issues during the 2016 election. I was not a fan of Trump because he just didn't see him like the kind of person that should be president because he made very offensive comments about Mexicans, and he wanted to hold a wall, and he wanted to build a wall to keep them out. But Sanders, he fought for civil rights in the civics
Luce eeeeee
@everythingbagel · 3:12

#coachk #inspireme #teamleadership

I want to be able to raise these kids in a manner where their communication is strong, their ability to hold their responsibilities among themselves is wrong or strong. I know there's a cliche answer in going well in reading and in audiobooks and here and there, but it's true. And if you if for at least for me, if I put in my own two cent into somebody else's leadership, I usually walk away with a return investment on how much I can grow from their life experience
