Eric Owens
@EricG · 0:22

Happy Thanksgiving 2022

Hey, guys. I just wanted to wish everyone out there on this wall cast network a safe and happy Thanksgiving 2022. I hope everyone has the chance to spend time with family and friends and have a great meal and be thankful for what we do have. So God bless you all and hope you have a great holiday

#holiday #thanksgiving #voices #November #food

@WarPig73 · 0:13
Happy Thanksgiving, my brother. Stay savage. Eat lots of food, take lots of naps and then repeat. Wash and repeat again. Stay blessed
Aayan Banerjee
@BasTalk · 0:13

Happy thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving and have a great day and week ahead. Hope you got a chance to spend time with your near ones. And stay well. Stay safe and stable. Blessed
