Eric Owens
@EricG · 4:57

AI ChatBots vs Reality: Image Credit Forbes

Well, the media showed an image of a Twitter account which goes by the name Chaos GPT Creative, which posted the fear inducing message that I saw in the media record. Now, for Reality Check, the levels of AI technology as defined by AI researchers are often referred to as AI. Hierarchy of need. The levels are the following artificial narrow intelligence, or ANI or weak AI. Which is where we are right now. Artificial General Intelligence, which is the next level or strong AI

#ask swell #technology #voices #news #AI #robots #social media

Arish Ali
@arish · 4:14


It's not even trying to build AGI, it's not building language, understanding the way we humans kind of understand concepts, understand things. Its goal is to basically the way it's trained is to predict the next word in a sentence, in a sequence of text. And the huge amounts of data that's been able to look at from the Internet, from books and everything that's been able to ingest based on that, it's been able to give very, very plausible kind of responses
Eric Owens
@EricG · 2:22


Hey Arish, thanks so much for your reply and I appreciate the support, as always for my Swellcast. Yeah, I really enjoy artificial intelligence as a topic. It's a fascinating topic. It's a fascinating subject. I use ChatGPT all the time online to help me write things and get ideas for generating content. Sometimes what I'll do is if I'm writing a blog article or something, I use it to quickly generate some ideas based on what my question is
