Eric Owens
@EricG · 2:42

Hiking Mt. Rainier National Park: Pinnacle Peak

It takes about 2 hours to give or take. Now, along portions of the trail, you'll see baby blue bells growing along the trail. On the ground, tiny little blue flowers. They're pretty cool. You also see avalanche leaves in the spring along the trail. It's really beautiful. I've taken macro photos of those. Make sure to wear hiking boots and not shoes. Take trekking poles that will help balance you crossing streams and even in the snow that hasn't melted out yet

#Mt rainier #hiking #mountains #wilderness #wildlife

Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 1:50


I think one of my most favorite things about collecting photos on a trip is when I can come back and then just do a sort of a gentle swell where I narrate some of the images. So if you have any more images from your time there, please bring them here and give us a sense of what it was like and bring us into the detail because it's such a gift. The voice with image is such a gift. I was just talking about that another slow
Eric Owens
@EricG · 4:43


Thanks for helping make this such a cool and appreciated and useful place for folks to connect and share stories. Thank you for that. Just recently I just left a message for the co founder, Irish. I'm not sure if I pronounced that right or not. I did leave him a message. He replied to one of my posts and today is the first chance I've had to do anything on this thing because I've been so busy
Eric Owens
@EricG · 3:36

#Pinnacle Peak #Mt Rainier #hiking #voices #spotlight

And it's so fun to see wildlife in its natural habitat. There's nothing better than that. And when you're out in the wild. You're already being rewarded with this incredible scenery. The air is so clean and the water in the mountains are so clean. It is such a perfect I mean it's just heaven. It's just pure heaven to be out there and I wanted to share a quick little post about that photograph that you're going to see on this post
