Emilie Delcourt
@EmilieD · 0:49

Fallen Song

Fallen song the days are shorter now and I find myself yearning for expanse of song and breath. A walk that's more of a meander but even more so. A wander as in moon movement but not too fast. Movement as in going someplace, moving forward, but not too fast. No pressure. Only purred whispers the secrets among the sticks, weeping willow as sanctuary as opposed to reckon. It's November again and I feel like crying. This fall song a secret in yellow and orange and gold

#poetry #apoemaday

Pablo Motl
@PabloMotl · 3:00
So for my hometown, July is winter time. But for my current hometown and former hometown in Canada, july is summer time. So for this reason, I feel like winter is a state of soul. And it's not just or only a season, right? So keep writing about that. Keep writing about fall, keep writing about winter time. Keep writing about all the emotions that you have, particularly this time of the year. Thank you for sharing
Adenike Nana Esie
@nourishyou · 1:51
I really enjoyed the energy of this piece. It's a very autumnal sensation, but it's almost kind of trying to to suppress overstimulation and move into that kind of almost like a hiatus between nodes, this transient time of years where things slow. But it's a very formative and necessary turning over and replenishing
Emilie Delcourt
@EmilieD · 0:58


Thank you for responding, Pablo. I really appreciate it and everything you said yes to keep to continue writing always. No, I was just going to say have you read the book Wintering by Katherine May? It is a book when well, it speaks about some different things
