Elijah Joy
@elijahjoy · 1:37

The Organic Soul List

Amazing. So much range. You could only have range like this to take on the legendary Betty Carter. And that's Samara Joy. The the link is in the Swell and I hope you enjoy this song of the week. New music. Best new music. Samara. Joy and tight

#Music #NewMusic #SamaraJoy #Jazz #OrganicSoul https://s.swell.life/STpUNqE7VqReDqV #BestOfTheWeek #R&B

nina gregory
@ninaberries · 0:08
Elijah. That's a new release. Tell me a little bit more, because it sounds like it's not new
Elijah Joy
@elijahjoy · 0:18

@ninaberries #newmusic #music #jazz

Yes. So this is a new release from Samara Joy, but it's a cover of Betty Carter's Tight. And I will post a snippet of Betty Carter's Tight in just a moment
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

nina gregory
@ninaberries · 0:03
Okay, I'm ready for you to post Betty Carter's type
Elijah Joy
@elijahjoy · 0:50

@ninaberries #BettyCarter #Tight #jazz #music

For? What did you do? Searching music coming on at the time for me don't let it. Don't let it don't let it. Don't let it hold on SA
