Lara Marjerrison
@elemem · 0:24

#TellYourStory | Lines from a poem that I can never forget...

Nature's first green is gold her hardest hue to hold her early leaf's a flower but only so an hour then leaf subsides to leaf so Eden sank to grief so dawn goes down to day nothing gold can stay

#WelcomePrompts #spb21nbp14 @arish

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 0:12
Yes, I really remember these lines as well. Those were, like, seared into my brain after reading the outsiders and then dissecting that poem in class. So lovely. Really, really such a good poem
Lara Marjerrison
@elemem · 1:55

@rocio #poetry #thepowerofwords #thepowerofstory

You. I agree. It's one of my all time favorites. Favorite book, favorite movie. It's one of those ones that leaves a deep imprint. It's one of the ones that makes me believe in the power of storytelling, the power that I have as a storyteller, to help people see things they might otherwise not see, believe things they might otherwise not believe, and understand that the small things that we do can make such a big difference
