Greg Dickson
@ElasticBD · 3:32

Authentic Conversations

I think that's what I find so attractive about audio apps back in the day when anchor version one. It's just so powerful to be able to have these threaded timeshifted asynchronous conversations with people. It was really powerful. And then I went over to some other apps, and they all remain lame. I won't mention them to preserve the GILTI for being identified

We crave authenticity and connection which we get in spaces using audio apps #lifeorigami #genuinedialogue #authentic @Swell @CaliGooner @MerelyHuman

Bowie Rowan
@bowie · 3:44
And we dug in tonight a bit about why that is why are there just some people that you just love talking to? You could talk to them about anything for hours and hours for 4 hours during this dinner tonight. I can't even recall a lot of what we talked about, but it felt authentic. It felt genuine, and it felt nourishing. That's a word I've been using a lot lately because I've really been paying attention to it. What do I feel? Nourished
Greg Dickson
@ElasticBD · 4:58

Net positive conversions are like driving at nighttime

And so I think conversations, meaningful conversations are kind of like driving in a car at night. Very dark road. If you're in the country and it's very dark and there's cloud cover, it's very dark. There's not much. All you have is the lights on your car. But if there isn't a lot of cloud cover, you've got either street lights or you've got the stars, sort of adding some texture and depth to your journey
Bowie Rowan
@bowie · 2:17

Great metaphor!

Thank you so much for this beautiful response. I love a good metaphor, and that really resonated with me, and it reminded me of a saying that a lot of writers use. I'm forgetting exactly who who said it first, but essentially that writing a novel is like driving in the dark. You can only see as far as your headlights will show you, and you keep seeing more as you continue to go
Greg Dickson
@ElasticBD · 5:00

We get to expand and build a conversation if we are open and curious @bowie

So you put your back down and you don't even bother to pick up the ball to continue the match the conversation, to be able to lob it back and forth, you don't even bother. That's just rude. It's just quitting. And as human beings, we thrive on connection we thrive on
Taylor J
@Taylor · 2:27


And with that in mind, I think that's where we have those real connections being made here because the time and the energy is solely focused on responding to this one person and using your voice and to some extent your spirit to articulate that response and make that connection with somebody that you don't know necessarily
Greg Dickson
@ElasticBD · 2:25

Thanks for your contribution @CaliGooner

And really, I think maybe the unspoken thing, I don't know if I said it in the original recording. The original Swell is that to make connection, to connect with each other, to connect ideas, to connect thoughts, to express ourselves during a time when so many I think are frustrated, exasperated even in their feeling of how much life has changed and how much life is going to change. So thank you for showing up and sharing your thoughts
