Ethan Carpenter
@eeeethooo · 4:06

Putting Pressure on Yourself

And I'm telling you that because I'm trying to stop that myself, and I'm trying to tell myself to stop it because it'll tear you down quicker than you could build yourself back up. As a person who is a high neurotic, high worrisome person who takes into account every externality that could possibly happen, every inevitability, every potential outcome, then you're a very analytical mind

#mindset #motivational #inspirational #mood #selfhelp #behappy #whatiscooking

Berotte Jean berty
@Berty97 · 1:16


So this is something that I learned and the hard way to stop putting pressure on myself and one thing that helps me to have some balance is meditation. So I'm totally agreed with you. Not everything is in our control. Some things just happen because they made to happen. And every time something happened, it's not to us, but for us to learn and to take some time to rest and to get back on track
