Ethan Carpenter
@eeeethooo · 0:48

A Deep Question: What Is The Biggest Challenge Facing Society Today?

Now, there's definitely no single or answer to this question, and everybody's answer will be different by a wide margin or a small margin. But finding those trends and commonalities on what the biggest challenge is might be a good thing. So the question is, what is deep, deep, deep question, biggest challenge facing society. That the case. And if you were in a position of power to change it, what would you do? All right, guys, let me know

#DeepInquiries #society #culture #philosophy #ethics #morals #awakening #spirituality

Makaiza Keesee
@therealmakaiza · 3:53

We’re all right and all wrong anyway 😂

If you're feeling good about that, then it's coming from a good place and you probably will be able to find some solutions to be able to get the sale next time. But no two circumstances are the same, right? And there's an overlay of practices that people do that will get you a certain result, right? If I say this in this order, someone's going to respond this way, and that's how the human brain wants to respond
Taha Abbas
@taha_oracle · 0:53
Hi. That's a great question. Well, it's hard to choose one, but if I had to, I would say tolerance is the biggest challenge for society in today's times. And if I had the authority, I would start with myself else by becoming more tolerant, because I'm no exception. And that would lead to changing the people around me and create an amplifying effect that's to say, be the change you wish to see in this world. Thank you
EL Ebeji
@Ebeji_EL · 2:29
We good. Ethan we presented to this third party source that could really feed off our ideas and talents and inventions. I'm kind of all over the place, but, yeah, man, I just feel like we become irrefutable. And I appreciate you for this question. It was a real good question. I hope you have a good day
Ethan Carpenter
@eeeethooo · 3:49


It's the paradox or not the paradox, the paradigm that we're currently in the status quo so to speak, the outdated economic systems and all of these outdated political systems and outdated cultural systems. I think we're kind of living in the 1718 hundreds still like with an industrial economy that's bent on producing, producing, producing, consuming, consuming, consuming and I think that is the root challenge right? And from that you have many, many other challenges that come out from it
Ethan Carpenter
@eeeethooo · 0:21


Hey, Taha. Thanks as always, for responding, man. I had a quick question. Just wanted to clarify your answer a little more about the tolerance. Is that tolerance towards other people? People like being intolerant with each other? Is that what you were saying? Because I don't want to misrepresent that when I reply, but if you could elaborate on that little more for me, that would be great, man. I appreciate it
Ethan Carpenter
@eeeethooo · 1:55


And I think that word sums it up perfectly, right? Here's how I look at it today, right? People are afraid of making change, and this is why. Because they're walking into a door to make the change, and they'll put their foot down very lightly because they don't want to offend anybody. But by putting their foot down lightly, they're not going to actually speak 100% of what they believe
Taha Abbas
@taha_oracle · 4:10


So I would prefer or would love to see a world where we learn to empathize and become more compassionate and humble and forgive and forget, rather than holding grudges and misunderstanding and reacting and learn to listen carefully, understand the other person's situation because there's so much prejudice and because we lack mental discipline. We not only suffer collectively, but at an individual level. One can live isolated, but if their mind is not in their control, they'll go mad
Ethan Carpenter
@eeeethooo · 0:43
So yeah, and you're over all point is to reduce intolerability and to become closer together and learn to imitate God with love towards each other and be more open to that in the world, and more good things will happen for everybody in that case. So thanks a lot, man, and I hope you have a great day
Taylor J
@Taylor · 3:42
And what's happening right now is you're seeing each side of the political spectrum being agitated more and more and more, being poked at and prodded at like some wild animal. And when you do that, when you poke and prod at a wild animal, they're going to bucket you, they're going to lose it. And we're reaching the point where one side or both sides is going to lose it
Demarkis Klan Destine
@OmegaStrange · 0:38
Well, if it was up to me, I'll make some changes in the Constitution. I'll make reparations a reality and make Puerto Rico a state. It's about time. It's been long overdue. And I will also make Canada and Mexico a state. So instead of making America great again, let's make America greater
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Ethan Carpenter
@eeeethooo · 4:38


If they were to just turn around and open their minds. And that is exactly what we're doing today, is we're stuck on the couch, looking at the TV and accepting the message as it comes, instead of looking outside of that, looking outside of the status quo and challenging the paradigm, challenging what has been for a very long time that has led us to this position in society, to where we are at each other's throats
Ethan Carpenter
@eeeethooo · 1:00
Hey, man, thanks for your response. I appreciate it. I had a few questions regarding your response about what you would do to the Constitution to begin with and then also integrating Canada and Mexico into America and making them states. I feel like that would be pretty difficult, if not impossible, given that Canada is completely different country


I can't necessarily point to a single thing because I see so many things interwoven and interconnected. I think I'll start by saying that a phrase a friend uses that I also hold to be true in my mind anyway, is that we are still cave people in a technologically advanced world. Our science, our innovations at Cetera are advancing far quicker than we are able to evolve ourselves, whether we're talking biologically, psychologically, sociologically, et cetera
Ethan Carpenter
@eeeethooo · 1:08
And a small group of scientists could create a technology that could affect billions of people and we have to have guardrails not only for speech, but for things like that. And I'm actually in the middle of a conversation on Swell about this point, but relating to AI and having the regulatory body over the advancement of AI. So we don't get so outpatient


I was trying to figure out what word to use, but in real life, if there was someone who was exposing themselves to another person, there are legal ramifications, right? But in a virtual space, an audio space, for example, there's nothing that can be done. You can report the person, they can be blocked, and they can create another account and come back onto whatever platform it is. Right. Anyway, there's so many different facets to it. But thank you
Ishan Gill
@Iamthegill · 2:35
I really like your question so I would not go indirectly. I just approach the question in a direct way. The major problems of society is facing is the way we represent ourselves, how we represent us when we vote and we think the government we choose will be responsive to us only. But but it's not the fact the political party being funded by the corporations or the person or the mega rich who can afford to fund a political party for their campaigning
Ethan Carpenter
@eeeethooo · 1:15
So that issue is the one I've been looking at for a little bit now, and I think a way to mitigate some of that would be by creating term limits and allowing that influence to be shorter lived. And I don't know how you would attack directly the lobbying issue because you would need some of these politicians need money for their campaigns and stuff like that to go around from state to state
Ethan Carpenter
@eeeethooo · 2:12


Yeah, I actually have watched The Social Dilemma and that's a really good movie. I think that kind of culture change is a very big culture change and very profound, and it needs to be looked at. And things are constantly evolving and changing. Now, the issue with the Internet initially being kind of this Wild West where people can say whatever they want and do whatever they want, sell whatever they want, was not really a good thing and a lot of bad stuff came from it
Makaiza Keesee
@therealmakaiza · 2:11


Thank you so much, Ethan. I appreciate that very much and I will take your advice on that for sure. So yeah, I agree with you on that. And it does make sense, right? It's more on a personal level where I was coming from. You're absolutely right
Ethan Carpenter
@eeeethooo · 2:13
So, yeah, I gave you a follow back on that and gave you a followup on Facebook and YouTube, so we're going to be in touch. I also think you and I have a lot in common, and I think you're really cool as well. You're awesome to talk to. You always have good things to say
