Eban Crawford
@eban_crawford · 4:25

You Can Find Gratitude In Weird Places

So this is a little tongue in cheek, a little bit, but I just want to point out, always look for the silver lining. And there's a bit of humor involved in here too, although not laugh out loud humor. This isn't a comedy humor type thing. It's just I feel really bad for that guy or those two guys, although we don't know yet. It could have been deliberate

Always look for thebsilver lining, and try to love in gratitude, even if that gratitude comes from weird places. #gratitude #empathy #mistakes

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 1:17
So I am thankful that I'm not working at that type of level or that I don't know the mistakes that I've made today haven't hurt anyone. But yeah, it's true. It's important. Again, perspective is everything. Yeah. It's a good tool that you're offering. Thank you. And let your dogs speak. That's fine. There's so many. I feel like I hear a lot of dogs on Swell. It's cute. I like it
