Dustin Dwyer
@dustin · 1:50

Share a sound thats bringing you calm this morning

And in those woods is a little creek that I get to walk near. And I was thinking about this idea that my friend Sonari had, and I'm going to tag you, Sonari, about an audio scavenger hunt. The idea is come up with a prompt or, like, a challenge, and then you tell people to go out and find audio that fits the prompt or the challenge

#natsound #calm #morning #scavengerhunt

Chelsea Hanawalt
@allowthesun · 0:52

Sipping Coffee

Hi. I really like this idea. And the creek sound was very calming. So my sound is an interesting one to share. But it's like sipping coffee. Like making coffee. I was trying to think of what brings me calm, and it's like, oh, just that first sip of coffee. So I actually looked up sipping coffee on Spot Fi and found this play mix. So I figured I would play this as a representation of sipping coffee
@HTH · 0:14


Hi. I just wanted to say that the sipping sound of coffee I think it was nice and it was very calming. It was really very calming. I like it. Thanks for sharing it
Kwa NateKo
@kwa · 0:23
I'm not outside to do the same thing, but it's pretty much for me. What what you captured on Sound or the original poster? Any moving a body of water where there's like, you know, there's it's mostly quiet around it. So in the mornings, the beach, a river, a creek, a stream that's that does it for me
