Dr Shefali Batra
@drshefalibatra · 4:45

A Story of Failure. Or Success? How I Became A Psychiatrist.

I knew I wanted to bring about change, be it little or big in magnitude. Hence, I pursued a postgraduate degree in psychiatry. Psychiatry and mental health are still not considered to be authentic medical specialties. A lot of people don't just look down on mentally ill patients. They even look down upon doctors like me, who strive so hard to improve the mental health of people. I don't think that not being able to do something at some point in time was a failure

#tellyourstory #success #failure #mentalhealth #emotionalwellness #breakthestigma #stigma

Aishani Chatterjee
@Aishani · 2:33
You chose your path, the path that you were meant to choose, the path that you felt like you were meant to choose. And you wanted to choose despite all the odds, despite people discouraging you. Because, of course, we all know how some people put down certain areas of medical science and sort of validate the other ones and make those feel, like, more important. But, of course, psychiatry in no way is less than any other specialization in the medical field
rajat chakraborty
@trawell_cast · 4:36
Instead, why do they wait in their cabins for someone to walk in with a disease and then suggest them a cure? I'm seriously intrigued with that. If a person has five years, six years, seven years of knowledge, and they have spent so much of money learning about diseases, I am sure they could work towards creating a prevention rather than creating a cure. And you decided to walk and tread a totally unconventional path in your journey
