Razan Valle
@dream_curl · 3:37

The Dreaded Ghost 👻

But I think in dating it's the most traumatizing because you are actually putting your most vulnerable side out there and the person that you think you're connecting with is actually not connecting with you. And I would rather you tell me that and just say, look, you're A, B and C to me but you're also A, B and C to me and therefore I cannot move forward

#ghosting #dating

Tori Closson
@soleilnoelle · 3:57
It was a great time. And then after that date, we probably communicated twice again, and he wanted to have a second date. It never happened because after that second communication, after the date, he just went completely silent. And you know what I did? I shrugged him, was like, oh well, on to the next. And I don't know if mentally and emotionally that had to do with the trauma that I dealt with with my ex husband leaving
Razan Valle
@dream_curl · 4:51


I do believe that you should hold your cards close in certain situations, like when you're initially dating, when you're interviewing for jobs, because it's nice to kind of have the upper hand when you're still deciding. But when it comes down to this is no longer working, I prefer to just be upfront and tell the person and yes, it hurts, it sucks, it's painful. Nobody wants to be rejected. Rejection is awful
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 4:17

Job Ghost

This was an executive level position and I made it to the third, which was the final round of interviews and they said that they would take a week to deliberate and then they will let me know the outcome of their decision. I still to this day have heard no thing. No thing. Now I don't really care. So many great things have happened since then
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 4:58

The friend ghosf

I kept the focus on me. I am hungry. I want brunch, and this is where I want to have brunch at. And I say that applies to many areas of life, is focus on you and what you want to do. And then everyone else's, they're just the extras. So if they show up, great. If they don't, doesn't matter because you're still doing something that meet your needs
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 4:59

Dating ghost

Lastly, the dating ghost. Oh, my goodness, those darn dating apps. My humble opinion is that and this is not a secret, many others have said this. Many others have believed this. We are in a microwave state of existence. Things that we need come fairly quickly or plus or minus two to three days. And if it's Internet based, then it's coming immediately, just as quick as I just snapped my finger
Tori Closson
@soleilnoelle · 2:54


And I have to say I was actually smiling as you were speaking because that is a common misconception. People think, okay, the dating apps aren't safe, or there's risk there. There's risk walking across the street, there's risk going into, like you said, a supermarket, connecting with a stranger. You don't know that person. You're exchanging phone numbers, and then what are you going to do? You're going to text, you may schedule a date
