Dr. J
@Dr.J · 3:16

Emotional Support Object

But even as adults can and do have them as well, it can be something that, when you have it or even if you think about it, can bring about that comfort or that grounding feeling. I know I've had a couple different ones in my lifetime. Or I may have something that brings me some comfort for a particular period of time. For example, throughout the holiday time last year

Share about one of your emotional support objects or items. Feel free to ahare a photo of it too 😊. #emotionalsupport #mentalhealth #mentalwellness

Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 1:16


I love this question. And I love that you give adults as much permission as we give children to have emotional support and objects. It was really, really, really rainy for like, almost a week about two weeks ago. And now it's raining again. Or a week ago. And someone had given me this onesie, this adult onesie. Like it's head to toe. The most comfy thing in the world
Theo Seibold
@Thatoneweirdo · 3:14


Hey there. I think that we all need kind of something to ground us in a way to just make us feel better about things. For me, as far 111111 emotional support Objects items ahare actually retired military for almost two decades. And theo give. In some cases you can buy them or you receive them, usually for outstanding work of some kind, some type of recognition. They're basically these coins, and they're challenged coins, and they're basically like a symbol of recognition of some kind
Debbie Griffiths
@Brkntobldness · 1:02
What a great question I am in Southern California. For the last couple of weeks it's been raining on and off, mostly on, and feel like we're ready to start building Theo Ark. But at any rate I would have to say a dog or an animal. But for right now there's a dog residing with me
J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 4:47
When I'm not able to sleep, even after doing my evening and bedtime routine, like now, and I'm not able to sleep, I can put on those fuzzy socks, which I'm about to do because I'm like, shoot, they're not one ha. That might be the answer. And yes, about 304:00 in the morning, I kick them back off. But just something about them. It's like a nice foot rub
Enfinit Evolushun
@Enfinit · 2:37

#GoodVibesOnly #PositiveEnergy

So I got a double dose of good vibes in my cup. And also I have a couple of the what's the name of this theo Buddha teas. And they have the little sayings on the little tab as well. Today I'm grateful for we all shine on like the moon, the stars and the sun. What else is on here? Let's see. Let's read this one. In order to be remembered, leave nothing behind but love. That's a good one
Dr. J
@Dr.J · 1:10


I have one that's pink. And I have a blue one, too. There was a company that was marketing on sports channels, and I got one. And I have a bear, and it has it too. And so I'm going to pull mine out. I live in Chicago, and so it's nice and chilly here. So it's the perfect time to pull it out and feel some of that support, too. It's not one of my typical 1111 emotional support objects items
Dr. J
@Dr.J · 0:46


I absolutely love that mug. And Theo saying on the mug, and you have so many tea bags in there, you have definitely got to be creating some really, really good vibes and energy with all those teabags. I love tea and I have so many different mugs, and depending on how I feel, I will rock a certain mug for a day or for a while. With different mugs, it's a whole, like, ridgeville sometimes just sitting down and really enjoying some tea like mindfully
Dr. J
@Dr.J · 0:42
It's got to be the next best thing, if not better, than having a person like an actual human who's an emotional support for you. Thank you so much for stopping by
Shawna Renee
@ShawnaRenee · 1:05


I live in Hawaii and on an island, and we have some crazy traffic here. I also rescue roosters, so some days the roosters all at once are just screaming at me. And believe it or not, emotional support objects. I never heard that term before, and I love that. My hashtag is use your tools. So I consider them tools. But yeah. Thank you for that. Emotional support object. I like that. Thank you
Dr. J
@Dr.J · 0:39


Hey. Thank you so much for chiming in. This is a great one. I love essential oils, too, and they are part of my wellness tools as well. And I see yours have different names on them. They look like blends, and I love to blend them. Sometimes I get a good mix, and sometimes I don't it. But I do love theo and love playing around with how certain ones make me feel
