Dora’s Listening
@DorasListening · 1:49

#BlackHistoryMonth | How can teachers and educators best contribute to Black History Month?

So we had skits, we had readings, we had poetry, and we also had our dance team, dance in traditional african dance. We had an african fashion show, african clothing fashion show, basically. And it was amazing. And we just had a really great time with our kids. They learned a lot. We brought them down by grade level. They encouraged their peers. It was really a great time

#Perspective #splpbhm11 #codyhighschool #blackhistory

Tanya Coles
@MsColes77 · 1:21
My parents church recognized black history month. They do a black history program every year, and I went to it this year, and they dressed up in african attire. They had a fashion show where they dressed up in african attire. They had soul food dinner afterward. They even featured, like, musicians, jazz musicians throughout black history. They did a black history spoken word praise dance. It was really nice. I really enjoyed it
Natasha Nurse
@DressingRoom8 · 2:01

@DorasListening Love this 🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾 #blackhistory #celebrate #content #meaning

I was still living in New York before I moved many moons later. And we went up to Harlem. And she was so good. She got me the african beads so that I could have, like, a headdressing. And then we got traditional garment tree that I could wear. And it was like a whole thing. I felt very just like, I don't know, just excited to tap into black culture on that level
Dora’s Listening
@DorasListening · 0:41


Hi, Ms. Cole. Yes, we had a wonderful celebration, and it really energized me in a way that I didn't anticipate. But their energy and their drive to know really sparked something in me. And it was just like an explosion of excitement in our building, just around who we fur. And recognizing that this day is just not just the day. It's all of our life. It's our ancestors. It's everything about who we are
Neena Maiya
@neenamaiya · 1:19
You'd find all the staff if it's an indian holiday, you'd find all the staff wearing indian clothes. And I think in schools the children wear the clothes of different cultures. Whichever culture celebrating a holiday, it's such a wonderful thing and it fosters unity. It shows that we're different and it's good to be different because we can learn from each other just by being different. But we are still together her like in a family. This is so good what you've done
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Neena Maiya
@neenamaiya · 0:20
You. I especially like the fact that you had skits and readings and you shared food. Those children are going to have the best memories, and they're going to grow up doing the same things. And that's so good. That is such a good thing you've done
Dora’s Listening
@DorasListening · 0:06


Wow. Wonderful comments and suggestions. Thank you so much
Dora’s Listening
@DorasListening · 1:12
Good evening, swellcasters. So one of the things I did last week to help my students learn more about african american history, we actually visited the Charles H. Wright Museum in Detroit, and it was a wonderful experience. The children absolutely loved it. And it was an amazing time, mind that they have in the museum and how they lay out the exhibit, that's what made it so remarkable. But the other part was the Ruth Carter exhibit was amazing
