Dominique Davis
@Dominique · 1:53

The Live Action Barbie Movie May Be Good.

Initially, the dot of Noah Bombat and Greta were working on a Barbie live action movie is very strange, but I think this is going to actually end up being a good movie, and I'm excited to see it when it comes out, letting know if you're interested in watching a Barbie live action movie or if this is something that you're just not interested in at all. Let me know

#movies #films #barbie #margotrobbie #ryangosling #gretagerwig #noahbaumbach

Jessica McMillan
@JLMcMillan · 1:43

Looking forward to it.

Sorry either, but I do think it will be an interesting if not tongue in cheek comment on the Saccharin Bodacious Curvaceous doll that we have come to know over the last 75 years or something like that. Anyway. Thanks
Melissa Mccarter
@lissahoop · 1:12

@JLMcMillan @Dominique

Thanks, Dominique, for bringing this up. I saw this probably a couple weeks ago. My daughter mentioned that a new movie Barbie movie was coming out. And Jessica, thank you for giving me a little bit of a rundown of the plot of this new Barbie version. I had no idea, and it makes it even more fascinating. This idea of Barbie being expelled from the perfect world. And my first thought when I saw the Barbie movie was that I was thinking of Legally Blonde
