Derek Pierre
@DerekPierre · 3:22

#TellYourStory | Courage and Swell

You might hear a little quiver sometimes you might hit me overly excited, you may hit me sad, you might hit me smooth until it's all get out. But it's always from the heart. And I feel like it takes a lot of courage for me to come to you from that space, which is why I really love and appreciate every single person that's ever chimed in and had anything to say to me, whether it be positive or negative

#SwellDailyPrompt #sdp24Feb29 @dbpardes

Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 0:29


Hey, Derek. You just got me buzzing listening to this. I just really appreciate it. The way you are able to call out where courage lives and also being here on swell and appreciating the voices here emerging and rising and speaking their truth. And you just captured it so well. What a gift. I just want to thank you so much
