Dena S
@denahou · 1:34

#TellYourStory | I learned to laugh at myself when...

My best friend in the world is my doormate from college, from that college. We have been friends for over 20 years now. And I guess just learning that if you screw up, you screw up, you laugh at yourself. And then especially when I started not student teaching but substitute teaching, those kids are brutal. So you have to learn to laugh at yourself. When those kids are laughing at you, you have no choice. You have to laugh at yourself

#SwellDailyPrompt #sdp24Feb6 @rocio

Rocío (Ro) Christensen
@rocio · 2:06
I love that you bring friendship up with this topic, because I think that's what helped me as well. I also was always very embarrassed about anything, and I was like, yeah, I just would love to disappear. Anytime something remotely embarrassing or inconvenient happened, I would be like, no, this is the end. But I think it was being around. I had these two friends in middle school who I felt were just so free
Dena S
@denahou · 0:49

#SwellDailyPrompt #sdp24Feb6 @rocio

It. I really learned to laugh at myself in college. I was a dorky kid, and I admit it. So college was really when I came into my own. I had the best roommate. She's still my friend, my best friend, 20 years over, 20 years later. And she really helped me get out of my shell. College was really when I learned that I didn't have to be so serious and I could laugh at myself
