De Giovanni
@DeGiovanni · 4:25

"Aniekan" The beautiful maiden Goddess

And secondly, if you're an ads lover, you can click on the follow button. So because I'll be dropping a lot of data back history painting which done with modern days AI brought not all AI, most handley crafted because of the generation. So we made some more ad works. AI integrated with handcrafted ad painting. So we recently had a profile on the marketplace for our clients where you could actually purchase ad pieces. But we are not selling right now

Dated 1155 A.D Aniekan" the African Goddess was was true reality painting of an Ocean Goddess #Aniekan #AfricanTales #Goddess

Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 0:44


Hey, Degiovanni. Thank you for creating this introduction to your work. And you created it in QA, which is a format that I guess asks us to ask questions. So I wanted to ask you again to describe the relationship between the AI experience and the actual physical handling of an image like this. Is it all digital, and was it made by prompts, or was it made because you fed a photograph in? I'm just a little confused, but I'm very curious about this beautiful goddess
De Giovanni
@DeGiovanni · 1:43


So the digital form says the customers whereby At Piece Wish was bought for 50 years to 100 years, got destroyed by natural disaster. They could actually get it back from the company. So the heater form was actually implemented by the Giovanni and it's in our terms and conditions for our customers benefit. You clear on that. And our ad pieces can be fine anywhere. We made ad pieces that are unique in its own size and exclusive. So the digital form serves as the AI integrated
