Debashri Dutta
@DebMDutta · 3:23

Self Love and Shame

One of the things that stops us from complete self love is the experience of shame. And it's often difficult to figure out that you don't love yourself entirely and that you have a lot of shame that you hold in your body. The insidious thing about shame is that by its very nature, it's something that you try to cover up and hide your feelings about, maybe your body or your success in life, your relationships, and so on

#SelfLove #MentalWellness #sppslflvp0 #SelfCare #MeTime

Aishani Chatterjee
@Aishani · 1:21


It's hard to, you know, prioritize our own self and to prioritize our own happiness and love ourselves for who we are. So, yeah, this is really food for thought, I would say, and something that we need to keep on, you know, a kind of thought that we need to keep going back to keep introspecting in order to overcome it
Neha Dondapati
@neha_97 · 4:59
You'll just be like, content with yourself and you will be doing well, you know, like, you'll be fine on your own, even if no one's by your side. Because there will come a time when you will realize that people you are giving so much to are not doing the same for you. When you really think about it, they cannot reciprocate on that level
aamna singh
@Aamna · 2:04

@Aishani @DebMDutta

And self love basically transforms a relationship with shame because by fostering that sense of acceptance, that sense of self acceptance, compassion, resilience, you know, helps us recognize that shame does not define us and that we are inherently worthy of love and long, you know, belongings by the end of the day. I would just also add that, you know, once you start understanding that self love is not selfish or self love is not indulgent, that's where you're prioritizing yourself
Swati Sharma
@Swatiselflove · 2:07
And this feeling of worthlessness often sets in a feeling of, you know, loneliness. And we start detaching ourselves, we start distancing ourselves, not just from the world around, but we also start distancing ourselves. We start avoiding ourselves. We don't want to acknowledge all those negative parts, aspects of ourselves which are so very disturbing, and they are not very accepting to us. So the biggest thing is that we must learn to acknowledge the very fact that nobody is born perfect over here
Rakesh Kumar
@RakeshKumar2023 · 2:30
Yes, I totally agree with you that we have to open up and definitely shame will go. It will go out. And I would ask one question that why should we have that kind of shame? What is the need? Many things are there which are not in our hand. We cannot decide so many things. We get them by birth and people judge you on different kind of parameter. That is their problem. Why should we worry about all that different flowers
