Debashri Dutta
@DebMDutta · 4:54

Living with a narcissist = your home is a battlefield

And what happened was that it got so provoking. I was being constantly picked on about my weight, like as if, you know, I was being stubborn and not dropping five kgs that five minutes. I ended up bursting into tears on the street, and I asked for some time alone, and I literally spent hours sobbing in random streets. I came across, you know, homeless people and all kinds of crap. And I was just sobbing. And people left me alone

Just an everyday experience of dealing with narcissists. #shame #narcissism #mentalhealth

Swati Sharma
@Swatiselflove · 4:06
But many a time, it's like when you see your kids struggling really hard, you don't want to allow them to treat them like a victim figure or to portray themselves as a sorry figure in front of the entire world. You know, you don't want your kids to be narrating that sob stories to the world around just to gain that sympathy, just to gain that attention from the other people
Neha Dondapati
@neha_97 · 5:00
You know, I feel that each one of us has dealt with a narcissist at some point in our lives, whether it is in our family, like a family member, relative, friend, partner, the so called partner we were with, whoever it may be, you know, and we used to think that it was normal because that's just how. How that person is. We used to let him have that influence on us, that kind of impact on us, you know?
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Neha Dondapati
@neha_97 · 0:33
And that is the thing, you know, people who seem to charismatic or too impressive or too good to be true are all signs that you should look out for when it comes to such people
Debashri Dutta
@DebMDutta · 0:28
Thank you for replying with empathy and your own experiences. Clearly, you know, you know where I'm coming from and you know what I was talking about. So I agree with you that in the end, we get to see through such people. And in fact, it has helped me really shut down some problematic relationships that might have arisen if I were not someone who processed and learned everything. So appreciate what you had to share. Thank you
Debashri Dutta
@DebMDutta · 4:57


And it is something to be recognized and dealt with appropriately. Because, see, we can absolutely have the narrative that the parent intends the best. Hence, they say what they say, blah, blah, blah, so on, so on. But why? The same thing cannot be applied to the person who is hurt or hurting. Like, in my case, I am more than thriving being a single mom, and I am probably the most successful person in my circle of family and friends
aamna singh
@Aamna · 1:38


You need to have your brains right in the first core in the first place. And I think we all, for that matter, we all deserve love. We all deserve respect. We all deserve to rise above the toxicity, and that's what makes it so special
