@DDSRY · 1:29

Don't go temple for ...

According to me whenever you and I, whenever we go to temple don't go for to ask something or to get something to ask to God and to tell them what you want to know always go for saying thank you and just ask one thing which is more priority, which is your family just tell them God that my family is priority and keep him safe, that's it and never ask anything else because the rest of the things we can manage and we can do by our own self and we should always say thanks to God for everything, whatever we call, whatever we have and whatever we are doing from next time and after 12th or three years back or four years back I used to say thanks to God for everything and I'm not telling them to give me this and that and whenever I go to the temple I just say thanks for everything and thankful list of the things which I have because of the universe, because of my parents, teachers, friends, forefather, colleagues and all I hope you have understood thank you for listening

#sayitonswell #temple

Varun Aich
@varunkaich · 2:28
Even in north, if you go to Weston, David, you are tracking, you are walking, you're tracking full night and after like five, 6 hours of track, you reach the shrine and they won't even let you stand for a second. So what's the point of going to somebody's God's house where you're not welcomed by their own people? Now? God is not at fault out here
