Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 2:56

ARE YOU PAYING ATTENTION? Sharing tips here with Jay Vidyarthi | #AskSwell

Do I have your attention? Probably in this moment I do. Maybe in three more seconds I won't. No one to blame here. It's just that we are inundated with options when we are doing things all the time on our devices, even when we walk down the street, there are so many signs, literal signs that pull our attention away. And if you're an information junkie, you are constantly mining for that next thing that gets you deeper into an idea #TED #UX #ethicaltech #mindfullness #DBPconvo

Jay Vidyarthi
@jayvidyarthi · 5:00
Fundamentally, I still love technology, but I feel like it's been a bit poisoned and I'm a bit on a quest to see if I can be an antidote. So open to helping anyone or answering any questions
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 2:49


Jay, so nice to hear your voice. I woke up to listening to you and the phrase of being a steward of my own mind is so provocative for me. And the deep breath in is so fundamental and yet such a powerful invitation. So thank you for that. You know, it's interesting in a very a way, I create these conversations on Swell to get the attention of people so that they enjoy the conversation and participate
Jay Vidyarthi
@jayvidyarthi · 4:58


We don't want to watch TV until 03:00 a.m. We don't want to spend our day on social media. We don't want to be looking at our phone instead of talking to our family or playing with our kids. And that's where the disconnect happens. Not that using social media or watching TV, anything wrong with any of that, but it's really about where our intentions don't match up with how we actually show up in the world
Jay Vidyarthi
@jayvidyarthi · 3:41


And part of that is framing you, taking a deep breath and practicing mindfulness, not just as an age old spiritual tradition, not just as a moment of self care, but also as standing up for your right to do nothing in this moment. And that is your right. And sometimes it just feels like the modern world doesn't respect that right
Heather B
@HeatherB · 1:00
So I just wanted to say that it fit beautifully with the conversation that's happening now, and I really like that I can intentionally listen to each of you and what you have to say and pause and think about it. And I think that's a beautiful aspect of this platform. So thank you. Can't wait to hear more
Jay Vidyarthi
@jayvidyarthi · 0:49


Ollie. Okay, Ollie. So what are the rules around video games for you? What do you have to do before you play video games? Every time I have to pee. You have to pee? I have to have my timer down. I can play video games. Okay. What was the middle one? You have to set your timer. Can you tell me about that? What do you do with your timer? I set it to 60 minutes. Yeah, that. Then I pee
