Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 1:39


Um, so I just wanted to include this quote by somebody who saw videos that really helped them understand what happened on that terrible day, October 7. And I ache for the families that had hope and now no longer can hope. So thanks for holding space for my feelings and for these families. Bye

#war #remembrance

Rooster Collins
@RoosterCollins · 1:38


And it's posts like these, it's like, no, it's more. It's more. The number. Number continues to grow. And it's not removing or applying any kind of weird math to it. It's not comparing it to past tragedies. It's like today it was 35 more, and hopefully that number is smaller tomorrow and next day and doesn't continue to grow and swell and grow and swell
Becky Butler
@bc75 · 2:10


Hi, Deborah. Becky here from visions expressive and I'm warned with you the loss of people in war, you know, the two grown men having a beef with each other but yet damaging as much and destroying as much as they can in the process to devastate the areas, the housing, hospitals, the stores, the way to get food, the way to get through the roads
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Ondy Sweetman
@Ondy · 2:55

Stand Up in Love to combat Hate

So I just want you to know that you're not alone in mourning this war that is raging everywhere, statewide, all of it. But the key is to stand up. Stand up and not give up and lean in where we all have to, which is to lean into the hope, the humanity, the faith, all of the beautiful, beautiful things that make all of us human beings on this earth. And you know all of those. So while I mourn with you
