Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 3:23

Women without Kids : Ruby Warrington is talking about this ! Finally…

And we're also going to talk about her latest book, which is another tough topic around women and how they frame themselves inside their heads and externally as sort of navigating the world of motherhood when they're in fact not able to be a part of that conversation because they forego they decided not to have kids. So it's really interesting. I think there's a really interesting thread between all of her work speaking the unspoken and giving us confidence and kind of weaving us together in this profound sisterhood of conversation

#AuthorInterview #Sobriety #podcast #DBPconvo

Ruby Warrington
@RubyWarrington · 4:59
With the advances of the women's liberation movement, women having more access to education, to employment opportunities, to birth control, to safe, legal abortion, that women everywhere were actually choosing to have fewer children or to have none at all, or having that choice made for them. I also had recognized or noticed that among my friendship groups, certainly women, even in their early 30s, were having difficulty conceiving
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 2:51

@RubyWarrington shame ….

Oh, Ruby, it's so good to hear your voice here. And your answer was exactly at the pace that I was expecting it to be, where you really let us in, because they say you should write what you know, and of course you're writing what you know. And it really sort of asks us all to be brutally honest about what's digging at us and what's making us feel less wonderful than we should be feeling in this precious life that we have
