Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 3:23

SXSW: Career Track - VR / AR WEB 3 - Welcome Elena Piech

And the Glimpse Group at the time was a company that was investing in eight different virtual reality and augmented reality startups, looking at the enterprise applications for how you can use this tech, not gaming, but things like healthcare, higher education, training, K through twelve learning and how those new technology could be used

Let’s talk shop @elepiech #SXSW #conferenceconnections #

Elena Piech
@elepiech · 2:38

Just say yes

So you really know how to say yes based on what you're seeing around you. Can we talk about the word yes in your career? Yeah. I mean, I think the big thing is most of us are going to be working for most of our lives, and especially especially for those of you who might be in College, who might be young earlier in your career
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 0:47

Times of transition

And if you had moments of doubt or did people in your life support you? Because transitions can happen even young in life. It's not just the midlife transitions. Can you talk about those moments and times that might have been tough, might not call them a fail, but maybe times that you want to reflect on so that people could see there's some grit to this and some resilience that's required
Elena Piech
@elepiech · 2:45

Taking risks

A couple of years ago, before I started working at the company, investing in virtual reality reality augmented reality startups, I had the chance to work for NPR and I was trying to figure out, do I follow the journalism route and work for NPR, or do I go into what I'm really interested in with this virtual reality and augmented reality space and really take that risk and join something that I don't quite know exactly what the path forward would be
