Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 3:25

#JingleSwell | Ali & Michael

And their retirement, sort of half retirement, is really something to model after. It's just great. They really are giggling through their new chapter, and it's just an inspiration to me. There's so many milestones I could talk about here, but this jingle swell is dedicated to the endurance of a long love that has just brought such meaning to my life. And it's just so wonderful to think of them as people who define part of my life, truly

#love #marriage #humor #music @Ali @SpeakingSchool

Alice Carter
@Ali · 1:19
I brought the parakeet, whose name was Johnny Mercer, across town from East 80 eigth street, to your dorms on the bus. That would have been the crosstown bus. Anyway. Yes, a lot has ensued. And you fixed me up with this guy, and it's been a long time. 1988, that was. And then, yes, you are responsible for our beautiful, gorgeous daughter. Very blessed to know you. And we love you so, so much. Bye
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 0:43


Oh, I'm feeling the feels right now. Thank you for this message. And I have to tell you that when you bring up Johnny Mercer, it brings up my fear that I thought I killed Johnny Mercer in my memory. I think he died soon after. And I think. I thought that was my fault. So when you mentioned that story, I thought you were going to end it with and she killed our bird. But I don't think I was directly responsible
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Alice Carter
@Ali · 0:47
You did not kill Johnny Mercer. Johnny Mercer died after my fifth floor walk up apartment was burgled. And the people who ransacked my apartment let the bird out of the cage, opened all the windows. I don't know why that was so mean. And luckily, the bird didn't fly out. But he was so freaked out that by the time I got him in the cage, within the week, he died from stress. And it had nothing to do with you
