Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 3:19

#TellYourStory | A close call that made me appreciate life even more

I kind of blocked out the exact detail, but I was up there with this young pilot and there was trouble with the engine and he was talking to the guys on the ground about things to do, how to mitigate a crash, how to fly lower. And it's only a 20 minutes flight. So once we were at a certain level and the problem started, I thought, okay, I've got 20 minutes

#closecall #flying

Miss.Es Mysteries
@MissEMysteries · 4:54

#tellyourstory #closecall #swellteam6

You. I actually had a close call the other day. Actually not too long ago, my fiance dropped me off at the store. He said, I'm going to run to the bank while you get what you need to get, and I'll be here when you're done. Said, okay, no problem. Went to the store, did what I needed to do, got my stuff
Justice Hendon
@Itsfunny2me · 2:47


Needless to say, while he was trying to work it out, I was in the wind. I was butt cheeks and feet. That's all you saw, butt cheeks and feet? I was moving. I got real small. But that was my close call. That was crazy. And that's something that still gives me chills, because I've never seen a revolver jam. That's my close call. And I appreciate this platform
Silent 8
@SilentEight · 3:08


I didn't know how many were in the cars, I just knew two cars is obviously two people. And then there was a man next to me, I remember it specifically, a white Chevrolet pickup. And he was by himself, I could see him. I'm up in a semi, so I've got a pretty good view. I chose to hit him. And the cool part about this story is right when I chose to veer to the right, so did he
info @andwemet
@andwemet · 3:17
Today I am a year later, I miss my father. Insanely. And yet I don't I don't know how to even explain this, but what I learned with him, or from him, is how to let go, how to forgive and forget and how to live. Um you know, there is no age for I mean, my father was 81, but we know what COVID did and we know that there is no age to go away. It could go anytime
Debora Grandison

#tellyourstory #closecall #heartjourney #yearsofmisdiagnoses #heartdiseasesurvivor #pacemakerrecipient

Your son needs you. I'm sorry. My daughter needs me. My husband needs me, and we need you. We need you around. So I eventually decided that I would take the medication, and it began to help to regulate my heart rate. So now I moved into out of intensive care, into a normal room, and I ended up staying in the hospital for many, many weeks during that time. You know the routine. If you've been in the hospital
Bruno Pavlicek, PhD
@MotivateMeU · 2:56
And thankfully, the truck never I never collided with the truck because I was going into the left lane as the truck was approaching me and then I swerved right back to the right lane. So, yeah, that was a close call. But anyway, I think my experience is nothing compared to yours. But anyway, thank you for sharing, Matt. Take care. Bye
Laurie McGinley
@lauriemcginley · 3:59

#yourstory #fear #success

He was just washing me with his nervous system. Just come on. Just float for a second. I was like, I'm really tired. I can't swim anymore. And he kind of showed me a way to float, that the waves helped us go back in. Just like you, Deborah, when your feet hit the ground, that moment when my feet touched the sand, I sprinted. I was exhausted, but I sprinted for the beach, and I laid down
Greg Dickson
@ElasticBD · 1:39

#TellYourStory beware of cars in parking lots

He was anxious to get the parking spot. And so I waited till they got out, and I said, that was a pretty close call. And he says, well, I knew exactly where you were. Don't worry about it. And standing there kind of stunned. Anyways, that's my close call. And beware of cars in parking lots is all I got to say
Leanne Pritchett
@TheMs.Leanne · 4:50

#tellyourstory elderlyparents

Asked my mom, Are you okay to drive? She said yeah. And I said, you know, Mom, I am over 40 years old. I said, Mom, I can drive home. It's no problem. I mean, to be honest with you, I drive 3 hours one way to and from work, and that's when traffic is good. So I said, mom, this is a piece of pie for me. No problem
Frank Lewis

Saved by the bell !

Well, not say just happened, but we had got there in time, because by the time we got there, police was already there, and they were everywhere. Of course, we didn't go exactly down, and we parked up the street and then started walking around and kind of acting like we were part of the neighborhood, which we are, and found out it was something else. But had I not made that phone call for love, I would have been in that mix for real
Ana S
@Blastkat · 4:26

#Tellastory I A close call that made me appreciate life more

I had set up a home to bring my children to that would keep them in the same school district because I knew that was important to them. Unfortunately, I was murdered in my own home in front of my children. I was drowned in the tub, and I was pronounced dead on arrival at the hospital, they intubated me and kept me on machinery until my father told them, no more. Just shut it off. If I'm dead, I'm dead
Taylor J
@Taylor · 3:39
For a quick second. And then I noticed that there was something in my car, in the hood of my car. I pulled over immediately to the side of the freeway and out of the front of the hood of my car, basically directly in front of the driver's seat, right where the hood connects to the front of the car, right there's that little sort of thin opening where you would stick your fingers under to pop the hood up
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 0:39
Taylor yeah, it is incredible to listen to this thread, and I'm glad you're okay. I'm glad everybody on this thread is okay. And it's amazing to be able to recount these stories with a certain perspective and a certain clarity. And then it's not really in the detail, it's in the feelings we have when we do the retelling and what that offers up for us. You. It's just been amazing to listen, and I hope this thread continues
Nya Story
@NyaStory · 5:00
So, as she said, by the time I had lost people already within my life, I had lost friends at a young age already that had been hit by stray bullets and going into teenage adolescent 14 and 15 and 16 and 17, and friends trying to join gangs and hanging out with the wrong crowds and getting into the wrong activities were killed. Yeah. By the time I'm now 42, I do not have many, Ana. That's why I appreciate all that I have
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 1:39

@NyaStory Check out Swell Sessions: Live Storytelling Events on Meetup

And to hear what you have endured, to hear your clarity of your voice, to know that you have survived and you have a commitment to thrive beyond surviving, is really to daily meditation, close calls, daily incredible to have the honor of having you here to take the time to tell us your reality. And I'm actually linking a group we have here in Los Angeles called Swell Sessions. It's going to start in January
Nya Story
@NyaStory · 4:56


I voted for her, and I'm proud of her, that she has tried to stand on her promises that she's made with the limited resources. Well, they've gotten a lot of money, but still limited resources. And this is a 30 year problem that she's trying to get together. But it's horrible. It's horrible, but it's like, you have to be here for the moment. And I just pray every day over me and my family that we're safe
Jason Whitaker
@jason29171 · 3:22

And later I found out the doctor said that if I had been given the full dosage of this medication, Whitaker is I probably should find out what this medication is. But if I had been given the full dosage of this medication, I would have died. It makes you think, how many times in your life are you that close to death? And that really makes you appreciate the time you have, the days you have, whatever. A close call that made me rethink things, I guess
The Peace Program
@luisangel789 · 4:48
And the doctors would be like no, Ana, by the way, this is going to be an extremely dangerous operation because they were letting me basically know that even if they were operating on my neck that for some reason if to inadvertently touch my spinal cord that I would pass away right there and then. So anyway, that's my story because the five minutes are coming up right now. I'll probably be doing a part two. By the way
The Peace Program
@luisangel789 · 3:54
Okay, here is part two of the close call, and I actually found a quote from Mark Twain. It says, the fear of life follows from the fear of death. The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man who lives fully is prepared to die at any time. That's exactly how I lived when I was younger. I felt like I lived my life and
Diane Lee
@Rainbow · 4:41
If I had only known, and I quit smoking because I knew I had to lose weight because I wasn't going to die like that. I knew that if I had to go to the hospital, I wanted them to be able to put me in machines to figure out what was wrong with me. So I knew I had to lose weight. But before I could do that, I had to quit smoking. So I quit smoking first, and I did that by myself with nothing to help me

#TellYourStory? How long do you have? #TRIGGER #attemptedrape #TheGiftofFear by #GavindeBecker #ASD #SafetyPlan #CloseCall #Danger

And I have driven into places in Zimbabwe. It was to a taxi driver. Take me where you live and where there's no electricity. Ana, what can I do, and how can I be of service? Through my charity and whatnot. I should have been dead a million times over with these close calls, and I'm profoundly grateful. And my safety plan is
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 1:18


And they want everyone to feel their love and come in their car and take whatever they need to the detriment of their own safety. But this is this nuancey kind of place we live in, right? Where we're trying to keep positive, keep open. But then life is threatened and you change. But thank you for this. It's been so interesting to listen to all these stories and realize by the grace of whatever go we
I fled in the car, out the parking garage, all the way around, down and out, and actually out onto the street. And they followed me. I'm talking a high speed chase. And it was at night. It was at night, like one in the morning. Followed me for about three or four blocks. I lost them, doubled back to the place where I was stationed at, and they disappeared
Christy Brown
@christyrenee37 · 2:05

Close Call

You. I had some pretty wild times to make me appreciate life more. Or what you say. Close calls, Ana, making you appreciate life more. I used to get so angry, Ana, I turned to liquor it. And then one day I was driving, and I lost control over my vehicle, and it spent three times. Ana slammed into a tree, and I walked away with no scratches, no nothing, just a tore up vehicle
Tamie K
@Tamiek · 5:00

Close Call Part 1 #closecall #tellyourstory #childbirth #pregnancy #mystory #baby

But I knew something wasn't right, and within a couple days, I couldn't keep any food down. My abdomen had swelled to look just as big as it had before. I delivered the baby Ana then some. By Tuesday, I was in such agony that they put me on morphine. They didn't know what was wrong with me. A team of specialists were called in. A battery of tests were run
Tamie K
@Tamiek · 2:52

Close Call Part 2 #tellyourstory #closecall #childbirth

I was treated to more blood tests, and they found my white cell count was extremely high. Soon enough, a fever joined the host of emerging symptoms, and I was admitted back not into the maternity ward, but to a regular hospital floor where noise filled the hallways and I had a roommate who liked to pray out loud in tongues around the clock because she was in so much pain, she couldn't sleep
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 0:37


Tammy. What an extraordinary journey. How scary. You know, the idea of them having to do tests upon tests to understand how you were doing and diagnosing and the feeling of not being understood. People thinking you're overreacting. There's such an emotional component to this as well as a physical journey. I'm just so happy that you're able to tell this story with such clarity, ana the ability to put it in the rear view mirror. But I was right there with you
bernie Rossi
@Bernie_Rossi74 · 4:23
You? Close call. Let's go back into the wayback machine to 1997, when yours truly was going to night school to learn graphic design. So one night I was done with class, and I was taking the bard. I used to take Bart regularly, and I would park my car at college, college Avenue BART station, and take BArt from there. So in the city, I would go to Montgomery Boulevard and take the Bart from there and ride it up to College Avenue
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 0:56


Ah. Bernie. First of all, not riding Bart for those amount of years is itself an artful accomplishment. Having lived in the Bay area for 18 years, Bart was very important to me. But you intentionally have not done that. And that's unbelievable. But I could see why. What a traumatic experience. Oh, my God. I've been in subway cars alone before. I lived in New York. I lived in San Francisco
bernie Rossi
@Bernie_Rossi74 · 1:36


I took, you know, I never would have thought that from that one moment I would stop doing it. And that was due to that giving birth to anxiety. And that was another story for another time. But that also caused me to just, nope, I'm not doing it. It made me more aware of my surroundings and stuff. So you understand you wrote the subways in New York, even though Bart over here at one time was cleaner
Tia Thomas
@tiaromatta · 4:51


And when everything got quiet, within a few seconds, I had fallen asleep at the wheel. And the only thing that woke me up was my daughter screaming, mom, what are you doing? And that snapped me out. And by the time I had come to myself, the car was fishtailing and weaving all across the highway. But wherefore but by the grace of God, there was nobody to the side of us on either side
Ruby T
@WanderingYehudi · 5:00

The elk laid down his life and mine was spared

So I hopped out, and then I watched as the highway patrol officer, she took her mustang, I believe it is, and pushed my car off the road to make it a little bit safer. But by the time the ambulance got there, the other person had been seen by the ambulance. By the time the ambulance came to me, they just wanted everybody off the highway. They said, we see this all the time. You have a seatbelt kind of strap mark on your chest
Rick Haney
@RPH3 · 5:00
It was pretty bad. And we ended up on the third floor in this room that was all windows. It was on the very top of the house, and it was like, I don't want to say a widow's peak, but it had all windows, and it was like a 300 ana, 60 degree view of campus. You could see everything from this one particular lookout. And I just thought that was so cool
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 0:42


Hey, Richard. I did not expect that story. That ending. I love when that happens, by the way. What a crazy moment. To this day, you probably are a little spooked, a little inspired. It's humbling. Wow. Unseen forces manifesting sort of in the body of a person that pulled you. I mean, I just. Wow. I have a similar story to that about somebody showing up to help me with something that I never saw again
Rick Haney
@RPH3 · 0:43


And until then, I'm really looking forward to more posts from everybody else and see if we can get those inspirational wheels turning. So thanks again for your response and you'll hear from me soon. Take care
Cass K
@CrimeTimeWCass · 5:00

My NDE Close Call

I also felt like I wasn't supposed to see everything, and I took that as a sign. Maybe I'm going to go back because I didn't want to die yet, but I knew that I was, and I worried about my sister finding me that way. And then I just kind of let everything go because I was like, well, what's she going to do? So I walked towards the singing. I mean, there's a lot more here
Holly D
@SouthernBoyMama · 4:50

#TellYourStory #LuckyToBeAlive

And if I wouldn't have went in when I did, the doctors told me that if I wouldn't have went in when I did that. I could have died. That I would have died if I would have waited any longer. I ended up having the emergency surgery, and I was in the hospital a week for recovery. And after I got home, recovery, it wasn't terrible, but it wasn't great
Stashia Jeanette
@StashiaJeanette · 4:48

#NearDeathExperiences #AppreciateLife #Spirituality

But every single time that I would wake back up from nodding off or just going to sleep for the night, my level of gratitude for feeling that pain, for feeling that lava coursing through my veins grew even more and more. And I started appreciating the pain. Sometimes I started appreciating just everything that I could think about in that moment, because I knew that it was another day
Cass K
@CrimeTimeWCass · 2:12


I trust God, and it's just not my time yet. And decided just to forget about it and enjoy life. And I kind of forgot that it even happened. But I told some women that I work with at work, and my mother came up to the counter where we did our work from and validated it. So they're like, that really did happen. I'm like, yeah, and I'm really different now. In fact, I couldn't even
Cass K
@CrimeTimeWCass · 4:13


Well, he showed me that I would have a daughter and stuff, and I did. Also, I had my gallbladder removed, and I don't know what was going on with the surgeon. They couldn't figure out why he was acting that way. But I went to another hospital, and he got reprimanded after I got incredibly sick and after having my gallbladder removed. And they did a terrible job treating me at the hospital where I had the surgery
Stashia Jeanette
@StashiaJeanette · 5:00

The Year Of Justice In Healthcare #ThisIsWhatHappened #LetsTalkAboutItVii #AgeOfAquarius

The nurse anesthesist that was in the surgery room with me, he and the previous doctor that saved my life jumped in to help and do whatever. I just remember passing back out and waking back up and freaking out. And at some point, they were wheeling me into some other room. But again, the doctor that did my surgery was just, like, looking at me, like, oh. And I kept screaming, like, call my mom. Call my mom. Somebody record this
Cass K
@CrimeTimeWCass · 5:00


What they did in the hospital where I had the surgery, they did differently in the bigger one, and that one had a lot of good people in it. But I was in there for three weeks, and he wanted to discharge me the next day or something. They're like, what's wrong with him? The infections team, like, what's wrong with him? You can't go home. I'm like, well, he's mad. He wants to send me home again
Stashia Jeanette
@StashiaJeanette · 4:57


Because to me, it just seems like from both you and I as example, it seems as if them not doing that, we as the patients, are paying the price for their lack of being able to accurately, professionally and efficiently fulfill their duties as a healthcare provider and surgeon and doctor, right? They cannot uphold their oath that they have taken as a healthcare provider, Ana. So who is it that ultimately is paying the price for it? It's us. It's us
Stashia Jeanette
@StashiaJeanette · 1:56


It. Ana also, that's insane. Again, same with me. They wanted to discharge me the next day after, the same day after the situation happened with me where I had the coughing up blood debacle and just everything went down. Everything went left really quickly. And the man was still very much like, oh, yeah, let's go ahead and discharge her. And again, same with you. If the nurses were like, no, you're not. Absolutely not
Cass K
@CrimeTimeWCass · 4:55


I'm like, you're great at your job. He was beaming. Oh, and he did. He did a beautiful job. And it was a lot of bags on end of antibiotics and other things that, yeah, I get that I lost some hair and stuff, but I am so thankful to all the people who stood up for me. I told them, thank you. So, yeah, I don't know
Chinedu Martins
@Azulian19.12 · 1:27
Hello, Deborah. Thank you for letting us share our side of our story, too. No. Twelve years ago, I had this ghastly accident traveling with a car. We had these terrible accidents, like a face to face with a truck. Big truck. But I came out from that car without no stain. Nobody in that car was hurt. That's when I really appreciate life. Being alive. Being alive is so good
Crystal w
@clearlycrystal · 3:07

Yes, this was a close call

The cement wall wasn't real high, but it was high enough that with her foot heavy on the gas and the direction that she was going in, which, let me say, was a winding exit. So there was a curve and she wasn't curving. And I just happened to wake up, and I'm looking at the highway. I didn't even think to look at her until I saw that she wasn't actually moving with the curve of the exit
Tim Ellerbe
@Playuinkey · 3:28
So the close call in question was, they told me after I was out of surgery that had I not come in that day, that either the high blood pressure or the colon was twisted, either one of those things would have killed me by the next day. So that gave me a whole new outlook on life, a whole new perspective on what it means to live a healthy life. In a fearless life. You're fearless
Donald Ray Wallace
@DJdeezyDee · 3:38

My story that changed my life #tellmystory #inspiring #lifechanging

So, after that, we were, like, literally 2 hours away from Tokyo. Hi. So, when we got to Tokyo and the plane, it landed. They fueled up on the plane. As soon as they fueled up on the plane, they got ready to take off again. So, tokyo is somewhat like 2 hours away from Manila, the Philippines. So we land, and we get to Manila
