Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 4:12

SXSW: What Non Profits Need Most

But I worked with a lot of marketplaces, a lot of online Internet software businesses, and I volunteered and fundraisers on the board at the LGBT center in New York City and just saw them struggle with some of these selections of how they found things and what they should use and what they should do. Like you said, every nonprofit is set up to run Lean. You're always trying to stretch the dollar. And there's this pressure to make the dollar go towards the cause

Welcome Mitch Stein! #SXSW #swellinterview #conferenceconnections

Mitch Stein
@Mitch_on_Pond · 2:09

Origin story

So we actually went really far in that pitch contest. But in the last step, we got declined for the funding. So basically at that moment, my team looked at me and was like, you just need to go do something. And I sort of had this realization like, there's no one product I'm going to make that's going to solve this. And there needs to be a systems infrastructure change because everyone should be innovating more and everyone should have better access
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 2:56

Taking te leap

There's so much bravery involved in pivoting from, like, the business world to this world. Do you consider your pivot to go from a sector of profit to a sector of nonprofit or. It's not really that linear, is it? I do think the whole world is moving towards impact as an alternative frame for profit and nonprofit. And that's really how I think about it
Mitch Stein
@Mitch_on_Pond · 3:58

Case study

We turn them into podcasts and even though we're not talking about Pond, it just starts to spark ideas for people. You don't have time to be going to south by southwest to learn what all the new tech is. It's really creating community by design because you're creating a workflow that's kind of reverse you're right. Well, we're just trying to make it so that the onus isn't on a non profit to go do the finding and do the shopping
