Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 2:17

International Women’s Day 2023 DigitALL

And I'm just going to read you just a quote from their website. It says, from the earliest days of computing to the present age of virtual reality and artificial intelligence, women have made untold contributions to the digital world in which we increasingly live. Their accomplishments have been, against all odds, in a field that has historically neither welcomed nor appreciated them

Join me and Toni Collis talk about tech and equity and building skills. #womenInTech #equity #IWD2023 #DBPconvo @tonicollis #womensDay

Toni Collis
@tonicollis · 3:52
This is something I'm incredibly passionate about getting people to do. And when you have that long term direction, I call it the North Star of our careers, the direction of travel, a strategic direction, we feel more optimistic. Yes, there are going to still be downs, there are still going to be lows you have to go through. But we can be so much more optimistic
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 2:43


Tony, so great to hear your voice. Thank you for your leadership, thank you for your love of community and your ability to create experiences for people to support each other in this incredibly interesting time. And in viewing this with a sense of optimism, we have to do that. Not to be tethered too much to the limitations of reality, but to actually have that balance of here's now, truth now, here's the vision later
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Toni Collis
@tonicollis · 4:23
This is the first, I think, to just open your brain to the fact you have more choice than you think you do. But then I like to stretch people's imagination. One thing I've learned as a coach is that people really struggle to think about what next, what in the next week, next month, next year we struggle with. But if we push that out to ten years plus our brains somehow become disassociated from it
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 3:16


But when you think about the very private experience of somebody's dreaming of their own eulogy, let's say, oh, this was Tony and she did this, this and this and we love her this and she broke into new territories this way and this way. It's really about relationships that you had along the way. And those relationships are sort of defined and refined by how we showed up in them because of the other parts of our life that were doing okay
