Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 1:36

#TellYourStory | PAY IT FORWARD- Stories of random acts of kindness that deeply touched you

Hello. I would love to hear your story about random acts of kindness, the concept of paying it forward. Things that happened in your life that remind you that people are really good and their humanity can come out in so many different ways. Anything. It could be small, it could be a smile, it could be somebody, you know, buying your student debt, I mean, things like that


J.L. Beasley
@Her_Sisu · 4:51
It looks like you post it at least once a week. But I look forward to them because they are so inspiring. It's not just you working out and doing what most fitness influencers do, which is just show their body you're actually working out and you have a motivational message along with it. And I really like that. And I just wanted to tell you it's a blessing to me. Thank you
Ranjana Kamo
@Gamechanger · 0:56
That's beautiful, Deborah. I really like that story about kindness at the toll. And, yes, I will definitely share mine as well. And I believe that whenever we are talking about kindness, I think kindness should begin at home. That means we should be kind to ourselves first before we go ahead and know take that kindness forward. Because most of the times we forget to be kind to ourselves
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Eric Owens
@EricG · 4:08


If you've ever been in that position, then you know what I'm talking about. It's a dark place, it's lonely and everything is on you and it's not a place I ever want to visit again. But it was something I really appreciate that they did and I thought that was really nice of them to do that, to go out of their way like that. And anyway, just wanted to share that with you. That's my receive a gift kind of story
Diane Lee
@Rainbow · 3:48
She said that she would be back with me, asked me what I wanted to eat for dinner, said she would be back to give me my meds and give me my dinner. And I was never seen again. Nobody the rest of the night came to see me, and I just. That whole week was. Was neglected and wasn't treated right. So the next weekend, I was there for about a week, and the next weekend, this app called Clubhouse
