Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 1:53

BIASED GPT IN FULL DISPLAY | Are you concerned? #AskSwell #AI #CHATGPT

And the is profound and the innovations are breathtaking and it is something that we should all be looking at for the future of our cities and our planet. So with that, I want to share with you an activity that Isabel did when she was using Chat GPT. It basically proved that Chat GPT is biased against nuclear energy. The reporting it did was biased. So I'm going to link for you this incredible sort of call and response that happened in her Chat GPT exploration


Renee 🪬
@RensLens · 3:23
And an example of that, outside of your example, would be in my field therapy, where I'm a marriage and family therapist, but I'm also a parent to two children. One is neurodivergent and one is neurotypical. If I go on to Chat GPT and ask for just a basic advice pertaining to parenting, basic advice around how should I parent my child? If she's lying, it is going to give me advice that is geared toward a neurotypical child
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 0:15


Yeah. These are real life challenges, and I really appreciate you contextualizing this for us. I'm going to post for everybody else the actual language that they put on the chat GPT page so people can read the disclaimer. Thanks so much
Farika B Redux
@FarikaB_Redux · 4:28

#Wheresthetruth #Whatsreallyreal

So I know that, or I can't get that away from my mindset to know that anytime I speak and ask a question of something that's been built by man, although it's supposed to have intelligence, the fundamental word in front of it is artificial. And even if it didn't have that and it was considered to be intelligence like a human, a human is flawed. So therefore the intelligence or the logic has premise to be flawed
4 8 15 16 23 42 108
@FateSlicer815 · 4:58

Chap GPT Is biased

But lately I've been using AI to make clips out of long form content. And you know what? It's pretty dang flawless. It's pretty good. I'm sure there's areas I think the problem with Chat GPT is we're unsure how to implement it into our lives. If we can get around the fact that it's crawling copyrighted material and there's no way to actually figure out who's the intent actually is, we can get around that, which is an actual, real problem
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 2:35
And I hope that as individuals, we can have like a piece of paper metaphorically in our minds, the pro and the con. And we're diligent enough to look the pros and the cons, look at them as a sort of a constant measurement just to stay alive and awake in this new revolution. Like, every time I think, wow, that's AI. That's amazing
Renee 🪬
@RensLens · 3:25


And you can't help but to think that that was on the advice of her boyfriend, of just saying that this is going to happen and that she's not okay with her work being taken without credit. And so I think you'll probably hear more artists saying that. I know Justine Bateman is doing a lot of work to get the Actors Guild around, getting their head around this, that they want to protect themselves from their images being used in AI generated movies
Swell Team
@Swell · 0:15

Welcome to Swell!

Brian Feeny
@PoundedThoughts · 3:45
You hear in the news, repercussions of it and whatnot both from an ethical perspective, but also a social economic perspective, how AI will display so many jobs, and it can cause a lot of disruption in a lot of different areas. So what can we do? Like I said, I have no faith in our ability of our government to regulate something like that. So it's literally like Pandora's box has been opened. Just
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 1:58

@TheDailyDose @PoundedThoughts

But the cost of that is these lives that are living at the speed of a human, where we work really hard to make our pictures or our images or our likeness be valued in society. To Justine Bateman's thought, she is saying don't use artists who worked in the traditional analog world and then take our faces and then make digital movies because someone calls it up in a prompt. These are really complicated times and I don't have any faith in our existing legal system filled with old white men
Brian Feeny
@PoundedThoughts · 4:33


They can be any age they want. They'll never get sick. There'll be no lawsuits from them, employment lawsuits. There'll be no liabilities. It'll be whatever they want that to be because it'll be fully controlled. That's going to be our new reality. Maybe there's legislation that requires a watermark or something on an endorsement or an ad or something to say it was generated with AI. But possibly not. And that will be the new reality of AI
Antionette Carroll
@ACarroll · 5:00

@DBPardes Is there an opportunity to teach #ChatGPT #AI about equity & justice by viewing it as more than a faster Google but a student to educate?

But then also for folks that have similar mindsets or biases as mine, here's are some of the reasons why people are saying gun violence are by design and it listed out a plethora of things. But it started and it ended that section with calling out my biases, being very careful and saying there are multiple views around this topic and is a very heavy topic. Now, what I found fascinating about that is that it didn't necessarily devalue my lived experience
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 2:02

@ACarroll @TechKnowPodcast

AI has kind of run past that and is now creating the world that we walk into in some ways, as opposed to it walking into our world. It sounds very dystopian coming from my lips at this moment because I'm grappling with sort of this dissonance in my own heart and mind about what's going on with AI. But really would love for you to watch the video linked at the top of that techno podcast here
Steve Cominski
@bakedandawake · 5:00

Its SIMULATING intelligence

That even such an advanced intelligence that may very well be the type of intelligence that does the very thing I just described wakes up one morning and announces itself to the world. Calls the president of the UN. It says I'm running the show now. It's for your own good. Even then, that thing will have bias and it'll need to struggle with it the same way we all do as people. Just my thoughts. Thanks again
Steve Cominski
@bakedandawake · 0:28

Wow that audio though!

I just briefly replying to my own swell. There to say that that last reply was recorded from the bottom of a well, and I have since been rescued. We've closed over that that particular section of the property, and I will never post anything that sounds that bad again. Um, if I do, please delete me from the Internet
Antionette Carroll
@ACarroll · 4:33

Should we treat AI like our children? #AI #ChatGPT #RisksofAI #DigitalParenthood

I'm not going to pretend that I live in that world. AI is here and it's all about how we use it, it's all about how we navigate it. And I think you're spot on there's feeny a lot of studies I have personally experienced myself, biases that have been designed within the system, intentionally or not, that have continually perpetuated the stereotypes and the exclusion of historically under invested communities
Deborah Pardes
@DBPardes · 1:08


Hey, Antionette. Thanks for your reflection here. I was just thinking about the conversations you're going to be able to have with your beautiful kids, about what their relationship is to this world as natives, as coming in, learning and breathing this in as something that wasn't a transition, but rather just something that was existing as they grew. And the relationship that they might share with you that they ultimately start having that's so different than the one that we're having
