parul tripathi
@dbottlebreaker · 0:56

If I could be instantly teleported, I would visit...

If someone is going to teleport me, please teleport me in the morning so that I can see the sunrise as well as I'll have the entire day to explore the place. So I hope instant teleportation gets invented. Sounds quite interesting

#TheSwellQuestionnaire #spptsqp6 #TellYourStory #TravelStory

Ty Dobbs
@dobbsty · 1:12
What a great choice. I think if I remember correctly, Machu Picchu is me visiting Machu Picchu is still in my profile picture here because I took that journey twice now. I took it once in 2021 and once about a year ago and it's incredible. Both times I live in North America and the United States, so I still a long flight, but not as long as it is coming from India. I'd say don't give up on the dream to go there. It's pretty spectacular
parul tripathi
@dbottlebreaker · 0:21


Oh, thank you so much. I have not given up on the dream. On the contrary, I am preparing for it. I am learning Spanish using duolingo and I hope in next three to five years, once my daughter is grown up a little, we will make a visit there so that she can also enjoy it. She is just five years old right now


So thank you so much for sharing your point of view. And, you know, what you were able to share in that short time that you were speaking really says a lot to me, and it provides me with a fantastic image. So thank you so much for sharing that with me. I love it. I might listen to yours again, actually. Thank you
